
Which is more important, repeating the word of the adhaan or hastening to break the fast?

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Its said that we should listen to adhaan and should have to repeat after muezzin.but what about a person who is breaking his fast on hearing magrib adhaan? Is he exempted as he is having food to break fast? Similarly about having sahri during fajr adhaan ?

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Ramadan Mubaarak to all My beloved Muslim brothers & sisters.




  1. I think at proper time breaking fast is ok.

    but keeping a watch and seeing it is 6:01 all of a sudden being hurry, forget the traffic signal, hurrying for eating is not a sunnah.

    the watches were not present at that time.and they were looking and confirming the sun is set.

    so it would be 0ne or two mins after sunset.

  2. You should break your fast as soon as you hear the adhan but when you eat your date or drink your water during the adhan, repeat after it and wait for it to finish before you eat your proper meal.

    Ramadan Mubarak to you too

  3. PROPHET (PBUH)  told us don't delay to break your fast.. on the time

  4. So far I know from the Muslims here, it's must to break fasting as soon as you hear azaan.

  5. read dua for (ifthar) fasting and eat  when u hear magrib adhaan  

    finish fasting is important  

  6. it is not Wajib, it is sunnah to repeat the words, Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal said: "and unless he did not say like the Mu'athen where there is nothing wrong, it is all right !"  

  7. When one is fasting, hastening to break the fast is more important than repeating the adhaan. Kol am waantom bekhair!  

  8. ramadan kareem my brother well i think and al sunna that you break your fast when you hear al shehada  in el adhaan

    and for al sahri (alsohoor)  it better when you make it late before the fajr adhaan  my advice to take your sohoor be4 the adhaan with 15 minutes  

  9. Breaking the fast!

  10. you can eat a date very easily while repeated the word of Adhaan.

    You have to stop suhoor the moment you hear adhaan

  11. Well, breaking the fast seems to be better according to this Hadith (among others):

    Sahih Bukhari, Volume 003, Book 031, Hadith Number 178.


    Narated By Sahl bin Sad : Allah's Apostle said, "The people will remain on the right path as long as they hasten the breaking of the fast."

    Allah knows best.

    Ramaadan Mubaarak to all.

    I was thinking that we should put a "(Ramadan Kareem)" or "(Ramadan Mubarak)" label next to our names during the month.

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