
Which is more important. Connotation or denotation?

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Example: Connotation of Mother: Homemade food, warmth, comfort, security.

Denotation of Mother: A female human who has given birth.




  1. Neither is more important.

    However, where, when and how words are used certainly is important.  For example, in a poem connotation may be more important.  Connotation is important in prose when creating tone and mood.  

    On the other hand, connotation can cause problems when people are having a conversation.  How one person interprets a word may impact the meaning of what they are hearing, and may not be the message the messenger was trying to give.  

  2. It depends on the circumstance because they both have their use.

    If studying philosophy connotation becomes increasingly important, but has no place in legal writing.

  3. Connotation- Our intent of description is more important than the actual definition. Language is unrestricted and flowing. Denotation, only if it's something like law where you need to be very specific and not poetic.

  4. neither is more important than the other... its just how you use them in certain contexts.  

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