
Which is more important in Business Education, Marketing or Economics?

by Guest21497  |  earlier

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Which is more important in Business Education, Marketing or Economics?




  1. Marketing, no doubt about it. Economics might as well be defined as the science of "stuff you can do nothing about".

  2. Economics, because as a previous poster said, you can do nothing about Economics.  Economics are the laws you must live by if you want to maintain a business.  If widgets cost $3 to produce and the demand will only allow you to sell them for $3, you had better do some brilliant marketing to increase the demand for them enough so that you can make a profit.  Marketing can help you get around the laws of economics, like wings, gasoline and an engine can help you get around the law of gravity, but only momentarily, sporadically.  

    Better to have a dog that wags its tail than try to make a tail wag its dog.

  3. Marketing is more productive in the short run. It´s more useful because the benefits are more or less inmediate. A knowledge of economics is a long term investment. In the short run it seems to be a waste of time. The difference between them is that those who have got a good knowledge of marketing and only a bit of economics are those who lose their businesses more quickly. Marketing as a vector has got a length, a direction and a sense which is fixed by the economy,

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