
Which is more important starving ppl in africa.war,cancer,whales getting killed?

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starving babies in africa



whales getting killed

chose whisch is more important and why




  1. starving babies -not just in Africa -but around the World

    war must be stopped -no more killing-of babies,children ,women and innocent men

    whales -we must stop the killing of them.

    cancer -many kinds are now treatable or managable.

  2. hhhmmm, thats a very good question. And my answer as a big CEO of a major corporation and only cares about himself and could care less about anyone else. I think that all of those things are very important things to do. I support everyone of them. But since you want me to chose one that is most important and why we should do it is..............all of them, and I hope everyone keeps up the good work on keeping these fine activities going. and please buy more of my products (oil)  just kidding by the way

  3. Judging by the number of questions lately none of the above....seems to be the price of gas...sad but true...

  4. depends if you have cancer,starving, in Africa or are in a war.if you were affected by any of these Whales would be the last thing on your mind,unless of course your a Whale

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