
Which is more intimidating? An area code from CA or New York? Which one should I get?

by  |  earlier

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I'm getting a new cell phone and I'll be graduating soon and heading out into the dreaded corporate world. I have relatives in Beverly Hills, CA and New York City.

I could get a new phone number in either of those places. Which one is best/more intimidating for business? Seeing an area code from Beverly Hills, CA or an area code from New York City?




  1. UAE, that would blow people's mind.....

  2. A sawed off shotgun and a pit bull, but nobody (outside of those areas) cares where your area code is from.  If anything I'd get one kinda local to wherever you think you will be.

  3. Obviously the city you plan to stay in!!! It would be a lot easier to tell people your #. When you tell them a weird area corde they be like what? can you repeat that, you'll catch them overguard. It doesnt really matter. I think a good # is more important than an area code for example x*x 642 4242. I have a good # that I have for 4 years, and its so easy for people to remember incase anything happens. Plus it easier to tell people my number and not repeat it 100 times.

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