
Which is more likely: to be a feminist and not know it or an anti-feminist and not know it?

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What do you think unpoliticised members of the general public would be, anti-feminist or feminist? Also would it be different for men compared to women?




  1. The problem is that "Feminism" means different things to different people.

    The original feminists wanted women to be treated fairly and to have equal opportunity, and most people would support this.

    However the current lot, including most in GWS, want the best for women, regardless of whether it is fair or equal. They want (at worst) equal outcome NOT equal opportunity, and only in the fields they choose. e.g. there are gender "targets" for professional posts but not for refuse workers or mineworkers.

    I doubt many fair minded people - male or female - agree with the positive discrimination (in law, education, employment, sport etc.) which modern feminists support.

  2. Common sense is an important ingredient to survival. Otherwise its not called by that name. Given the current situation and state of affairs, ANY man who sees that he is being victimised will definitely be an anti-feminist, because thats what his common sense would dictate to him. This also includes the women who cant bear to see there loved ones suffer because of the gross injustices thats happening to there men. My response : The majority will be non-feminists, given that the current REALITY of femminism doesnt go with the DEFINITION of it in the dictionary.

  3. Feminist.

    If we are to understand these terms by their definitions, I'd say there are far more Americans who support equality between the sexes than those who actively oppose it.

    There would likely be slightly more anti-feminist men than women, but not by many. Most people have common sense.

    David, don't judge all feminists by the misguided ways some of them have gone about achieving our goals. ;)

  4. Most people are feminists. The only ones who aren't are the actual misogynists. People want equality.

    People bandy about this term "modern feminist" with the same zeal Rush Limbaugh applies to the term "liberal." They're making an effort to demonize a viable cause. Women want all women to be equal- at least, the feminists do. In America as well as Darfur, in Europe as well as Iraq.

    The handful of women who want men punished for being men are idiots, and the people who assume all feminists are thinking along those lines are ALSO idiots.

    What can you do. People are wilfully ignorant these days. See how successful Rush was making "Liberal" a bad word!

  5. I believe the would be feminist just because they are blinded by what is going on, but I shouldn't think that way due to quantum consciousness.

  6. Feminism is a concern with the issue of gender difference, that advocate equality for women, and that campaign for women's rights and interests.

    Feminist imply that woman in general wants to be equal.   Correct?

    So if equality between genders were to really happen then would we be able to say things like "I want to be treated like a man", "I want the same pay and opportunities as a man"?

    This request would then be irrelevant, and that would truly be a great thing.

    However, equality is a dream and despite the fact that anyone is feminist or anti-feminist is irrelevant anyways.

    We can only hope and pray that we can give everyone male, female, rich, poor, smart, not so smart people opportunities so that they can make a living and provide for themselves, I would assume that is what everyone wants in life. Right?

  7. I think most people would be feminists — even self-proclaimed anti-feminists, many of whose sentiments today are actually the same ideas as classical feminism. At this point, I'd say there isn't too much of a disparity between men and women on this (anymore).

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