
Which is more likely to be unfaithful: gem or sag????

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Which of these two signs is more likely to be unfaithful: gemini or sagittarius??




  1. Gem's can easily lie and manipulate, plus they can get bored, BUT Sag's get bored VERY VERY easily.

  2. It depends on their astrological chart & where there other planets are placed.

    In general though - sagittarius are notorious flirts & would more like, by flirting, take it another step to  be unfaithful.

  3. Gemini's and Sagittarius's are no more likely to be more unfaithful than

    any other sign's. Both are passionate, love deeply and don't give up easily on love (if they are mature)  I do however  know plenty of liars and cheaters who aren't Gem's or Sags... (o-k, and a few who are..).

  4. I always thought it was Gemini, but Sag cheats too

  5. I hate to say it( because I'm a sag) but most zodiac descriptions say that the sagittarius is more unfaithful

  6. i think sags, cuz they tend to get bored, if nothing is challenging them, like one dated me, and im a leo, and she had fun with me, but there was no drama, cuz i wasnt cheating on her, but the cancer she was dating before me was cheating on her with 6 or 7 other women, and she stood by the cancer, and vowed never to cheat on her, and that she never could, but with me, she said it was her first time cheating on anyone, and i think its cuz her life had no problems,and drama, cuz she couldnt deal with a regular pleasant life

  7. i 100hundred agree with faith....

  8. I've got to go with Gemini. They run so hot and cold. Their mood swings can be schizophrenic. They can be madly in love with you one minute and be bored to tears with you the next. Keeping them faithful is like walking a tightrope.

    Sagittarius is not that fickle in my experience. They're hunters - and constantly hunt for knowledge. But that's different than being two-faced like Gemini is.  

  9. I'm a big believer in astrology but signs have nothing to do with a person being unfaithful. That depends on the person not their star sign. I have known plenty of cheaters from every sign in the zodiac so for you to list which one is more likely out of Gemini and Sagittarius seems a bit ignorant. I really wish some people would stop generalizing signs and realize that were more than just our sun signs. Neither one of these signs are more likely. And, by the way I'm a proud Sagittarius!

  10. I think it depends on the person.

    But Sags get bored easily, and they can always love more then one person.... Gemeni have the rep for being the most compulsive liars and the most two-faced, but its not always the case for both of these signs....

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