
Which is more logical (read on please)?

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I have the opportunity to live in Italy for a year when I graduate from high school (I am now a senior). I speak Italian reasonably well and have been there a time before (I loved it!). Now, what I'm wondering about is should I go when I graduate high school or should I wait to graduate from college in the states? I'm a responsible person and have pretty much had to take care of myself....I have the funds and the means to go....I'm just not sure what to do. I want to go but I want to make the smart choice. And, if I wait until I graduate from college instead of just high school I'll also have somebody that I will be able to go with instead of braving it on my own. So, any ideas? Thanks for your help.




  1. Led Zep Babe, truth be told, only you can make this decision for yourself as you know what is inside your soul. My suggestion is that you sit quietly and ask the wisdom within you and then do some writing about it. I find it interesting that you didn't comment about your parents in-put, since you are in high school. Going to Italy for a year will change you. The question for you is do you feel ready for those changes now or do you want to wait? You are a very fortunate babe that you have such a divine choice. And a fine taste in music too!

  2. can't you do one year of college in a school in Italy?

    the first year is ten times easier than the rest anyway and find out if you can transfer credits back to the states.

    the worst problem with waiting is...

    you fall in love with somebody who is committed to a school or a career here and then you will never ever go...

    well, it's something to think about         ;-)

    darn, i saw a website about Italy the other day and i don't remember it...  

    maybe that is close to it, if i see it again I'll try to come back

  3. Something could happen between now and then.....if you don't take the chance now you could regret it later.

  4. Come here after college! First, you'll be able to drive here then, and it will give you more freedom of movement.

    You'll be a bit older and probably better fit to appreciate things such as our Art and History (usually boring to younger people).

    I hate to say this, but a very young girl travelling alone would be the target of rather unruly people here, so if you are a bit older, and possibly accompanied by a friend, you might also be a bit less naive and more prepared to face certain situations.

    Finally, travelling with a friend is much more fun than travelling alone!

  5. Yeah you should definaltely come here. people are really nice, and if you want to go with other people see if you can get into a university that has group study abroad progarams (for 1 or 2 years) . You could also come and take a break between highschool and college. I know my mom really regrets not having taken a year off. i know that living abroad has really opened my mind.

  6. I say go after high school... especially if taking college courses abroad is an option.

  7. Italy, like most European countries, isn't really that daunting to navigate by yourself; but it can be a lot more fun if you've got someone with you, especially if you don't have much experience traveling or aren't otherwise that familiar with Europe.  Italy will probably still be there when you graduate from college... and besides, why not go while IN college?  Why only go once?  Italy's a big country and has an endless list of things to see and do, and I doubt you'd be able to cover it in two trips, much less one ;)  My recommendation, based on the specifics of your question, would be for you to decide whether you want to go alone or by yourself, and whether you think you might appreciate it more/be better prepared as a traveler with a few more years under your belt.  Italy's had many 18-22 year olds traveling through it throughout the years so you'll be fine either way.

  8. Do you need a break between high school and college? If so, go now!

    - But, it sounds as if you'd feel more comfortable by waiting until after college and then you can take someone with you. If that's the case, wait. It's always great to have someone to share experiences with! :-)

  9. What a grand opportunity.  Me?  I would go after high school graduation, and perhaps study abroad.  YES!  What  a blessing!

  10. Hi! I'm Italian, my personal suggestion is that maybe is better for you to come in my beautiful country after you graduate from college in the States... It's funny to think that lot of people in Italy intensely desire to go in the US to study in a college...! I say you so expecially for bureaucratic reasons (I know that very well 'cause I study at University), and also because I honestly think a graduation in your country is better estimated than in Italy. In ogni caso, se vuoi mettere alla prova il tuo italiano, scrivimi all'indirizzo:

  11. sounds like a great opportunity,but think it over carefully with so many bad things happening to american girls outside the usa i think i would wait maybe you'll meet someone in college who might take the trip with you so you would not be alone

  12. Nobody can answer this one for you. You will have to do this one for yourself. I say follow your heart. Only you know deep inside what to do. As a parent I would probably suggest taking a friend. As a free spirit I would trust God and go for it.

  13. Hi,, ok,, here is the scoop and i am not going to kid you around here,,,,,

    Your pretty smart !!  You can go now,, but,, being alone there,, hmm  is not really a good thing....  What i suggest is , go to college here,, you can go there during the Summer,, to college,, its not that expensive,,, and that way,, you will be around students your age,, and some that are older and can help show you the ropes,,,,, I know , because there are like 5000 American students in school in Florence,,,,, at all times.....

    Also,, if you go during the winter you will most definately need a good coat to wear... or if your in Florence you can purchase you a nice leather coat ,, (that is where you buy your Italina leather goods),,,  

    Take care , and if i can help write me,,,,

    good luck

  14. Sound like a wonderful opportunity to bank and to me, that's the logical choice.  I'd wait until after graduating from college.  Use it as a reward. You will be a couple of years smarter and there may be more opportunities open to you as a 21 year old adult.  During the next couple of years you may meet people who have extended families in Europe or business there and people connections always make a trip better. Having a traveling companion should improve a few aspects of the trip.  For example you will get better hotel rates, it might be a little safer traveling with another so you may feel freer to explore some places not smart for a young person alone.  And shared experiences often have more impact.  If nothing else you will have another to remember the experiences.

  15. I think it will be more fun for you if you have a friend to join you.  Finish college, jam out some Zeppelin, and then make the trip.

  16. Sounds like you have already answered your own question by saying you want to be smart and also intend to graduate and will have a friend to go with later.  All that sounds good!  You may even have more funds then

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