
Which is more painful? Waxing or using an epilator?

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I want to know because using veet cream doesn't last long and waxing takes ages to do and can be messy. i can stand the pain of waxing, but if using an epilator is much more painful then i won't go for one. my friend uses an epilator and says that it is better as it makes the hair grow back thinner and lighter, until it is barely visible. is this true? how effective are epilators? any reccommend brands/makes?




  1. The epilator is much more painful and tends to leave a few blood spots as its quite harsh, waxing although messy has to be the best answer or shaving as so many do. I always find that if you have a good hot shower or bath 15 or 20 minutes before any of these it softens the hair and skin and makes it less painful.

  2. I have not tried an epilator but doubt it is any more painful than waxing, there is one on the market which has an ice pack attached which cools and soothes as you go along, which reduces red spots and swelling,  have a look -

    This one is a little expensive but I'm sure there are cheaper alternatives, but this link will give you an idea of the ones with ice packs.

  3. For me the epilator hurt more, because it pulls our hairs individually, where as waxing pulls a large area out in one small pull.  But even waxing doesn't get out all the hairs, you feel after and you can still feel stubble.

    Depends really, I mean I've been taking my hair out for years and its not got any thin.  I guess it don't hurt much no more, but that's because I am use to the feeling.

    I doubt epilators will make you're hair thin and waxing wont, because they are both taking the hair out by the root.

    Some people are luckier, and they have finer hairs.  I've always had thick, annoying leg hair.

    For me the epilator was so painful I wouldn't carry on, and I am a person who has tattoos, and don't find them overly painful.

  4. Epilating is better!!

    I found waxing took so long and its very fiddly.

    I use my epliator under my arms, bikini line and on my legs, it hurt the first two or three times but now its fine.

    Each time I use the epilator the hairs do grow back thinner and lighter making me need to epilate less frequently - and even if I don't epilate for a while the hairs I practically invisible.

  5. I'd say go and get waxed. It doesn't cost too much and in my opinion it does a more thorough job than an epilator and it is quick and less painful. When I tried and epilator it hurt like h**l and didn't do a good job.

    Good luck anyway whatever you try :)


  6. OMG!!! epilators are the most painfull thing!! especialy on the sides of your legs! BUT... where my sister used to epilate on her legs the hairs have grown back very thin and light. but the thing with epilating is that most of the time the epilator isnt actualy puling out the hair just breaking it off, if you look closely you will see it.

    with waxing it only takes one pull and you have done a much bigger area than the epilator would do. and once you see the results you will want to carry on, unlike with epilators once you feel the pain you emidiately want to stop lol

    so id go with waxing. but the epilator might be good if the hairs you have are already quite thin (mine are wuite thick)

    To find out wether or not you can stand the pain ask your friend to test hers on a small area on your leg or arm..?

    hope this helped! xx :D

    btw i have the philips satin ice epilator (and the ice does nothing to help the pain lol so dont be fooled) :P


  8. I think using an epilator is more painful than waxing (it's like plucking your eyebrows, but pulling out a few hairs at once). I decided that i was going to try it because i hate waxing as my skin gets really sticky from the wax and shaving doesn't last very long.

    When the hairs are removed, you get red dots on the area where you have epilated where the hair has come out of the follicle, and these sometimes got infected on my legs.

    They are okay to use but if you aren't used to it, it comes as a shock, it is just loads of tiny little tweezers inside the machine pulling out the hairs.

  9. I like using hot wax because it lasts longer with no hair but the epilator is very handy whenever you need to look your best, of course you have to use it one day before to allow the red spots to disappear.

    But before using the epilator try the ETHYCHLORIDE SPRAY  which is an anaesthetic and you will not feel the pain, please believe me it is magic as it freezes your nerves at the surface of your skin and you will not feel any pain no matter in which area you want to use the epilator.

    My last aquisition was a Braun which is one of the best on the market.

    To answer your question both are painful but with the epilator it is easier as it is up to you when you stop the action and with waxing you have to ask the beautician to stop and if she is not ready or in a bad mood you will be in trouble ;)

  10. epilator coz it rips the hair out from the very bottom. Waxing hurts too but epilator gives better results.

  11. I love my epilator and dont actually find it that painful.

    You get used the the pain/ sensation and after the first two or three uses, the pain decreases.

    I havent tried it under my arms, I think that would be painful.

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