
Which is more pathetic?

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A man with weird stalking obsessions? Or someone who claims when they are found out to be a weird stalker, makes up multiple ids to be his 'fan club' and says that his email has been hacked?




  1. please can you all grow up. its like childrens facebook on here

  2. They are both pretty pathetic.

  3. their both crazy and physcos who need help! so it doesnt matter! their on the same boat!!!

  4. Both are extremely pathetic.

    Athena I'd just like to point out that Bunches gave out his passwords to certain people yesterday. Those images and comments were posted beforehand and came from the man himself.

  5. i do not know.

  6. both are veryyy pathetic, they should just say they like you, they don't need to stalk.

  7. Yes.

  8. a man with a wierd stalking obsesion !

  9. Haven't seen any signs of a fan club!  Just a few of us who are uneasy about the fact that Shambo found p**n on Bunches' website that appeared very recently indeed.

    For all I know Bunches is guilty as charged but I don't like the fact that it has all come from Shambo.  Gerry S, as he used to be known, waged a despicable war on Eden over the death of her daughter and, as far as I can see, he has set the hare running about Bunches?  That is why I am so suspicious and wonder who really is the man with real stalking obsessions.

  10. equal in their patheticness

  11. I have been thinking about this for 25 minutes Grohly.

    I think the 2nd option.

    Edit: Athena FFS give it a rest love. Even Eden wouldn't thank you for bringing all that up again...I suggest you look elsewhere for your scapegoat.

    Shambo didn't find the p**n. Someone else did. And even if he did what does it matter? Do you not read anything else? Are you so blinkered in your hatred for Shambo you cant see the truth when it hits you in the face?

    To be honest this whole Bunches thing was never about p**n in the first place. More about his inappropriate behaviour towards others.

    So why is it OK for Bunches to behave inappropriately and not Shambo or Shady?? Why do you continue to want 2 sides of a story this time, but were quite happy to believe one side and cruelty of innocent users last time?

  12. Mrs Grohl

    Why are you doing this? You know full well one of you is running my old account - it wasn't hacked, I gave it to you. I did that for 2 reasons -

    1. So you could see that I have not been discussing your business behind your back

    2. I was finished with YA

    When you (who I counted as my most trustworthy contact) and another said you found me 'creepy' I was stunned. But if that's how I am perceived I have to leave.

    I have no 'stalking obsession' - not in any sinister way anyway. My only interest ever has been to be a supportive friend to those who were very kind to me when times were bad. Do you have any contacts who you always connect to?

    You could have accepted that, just got on with your life. Instead your posting nonsense like this. You have known me for many months, plenty of time to raise any concerns of impropriety. I don't know how or why I might have offended you but I appologise for doing so.

    I have 3 existing accounts - none (until now) have been used today. I do not know who the others are. Twigs is not me!

    I've reopened email on this account in case anyone wants to tell me anything.

    Edit: just saw the posts about my 360 blog

    I posted that image many weeks ago. My blog was locked to 'mature content and friends only' - whoever is using my account opened it to public view

    It was posted as a joke for another 360 user who often posts such images. I received only positive responses at the time

  13. Whomever is capable of one is capable of the other!


    User six above me, why have you got me blocked?

  14. I'm following Kat around to get my money back!!!

  15. the weird stalker

  16. Both; multiple ID's are also very pathetic.

    So are control freaks who try to run this site.

    Hopefully, current events may now return to current events.

    Edit:: I am also sick of people using FFS, or STFU on here.

    Not necessary at all.

    Those same users keep stating how children use this site.

  17. This is becoming a bit weird - what on earth has Brian done?

    To the person with odd red eyes or glasses who keeps having their questions and comments removed:-

    Edit: This is also annoying - please spell the word correctly PAEDOPHILE! If you're going to call someone a nasty name then at least get it right as you're also using it in your avatar!

    And it's certainly not me that's reporting you!

  18. the 2nd! i'm sure!

  19. Both

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