
Which is more powerful in decision making using common sense or using emotions?

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Lol @ Kalooka.... that's one funny yet deep answer... as usual.




  1. I use common sense and emotion.

    but most powerful thing i can think about is religion, look how it influences the lives of so many brainwahsed ladies?

    it can change anybodys mind and control their mind, which means they would resort to radical beliefs than believin in common sense and even personal emotions..

    arite yall

    peace out!@

  2. Use BOTH ...... try to find a middle solution

  3. If we used our emotions in decision making kolena 7anro7 fetees isa :D

  4. Well when I need decide in business I disconnected my heart, so I have my mind clear. In love... of course I use both, but hormone cannt dominate neuron, never.

  5. i guess if your emotions are always put you in trouble then there's something wrong in your common sense :)

  6. if u make decisions using ur emotions, it might not be a very wise decision and u might end up regretting it later and face negative consequences cuz u used ur heart and emotions and not ur mind. Wiser decisions are made with the mind, but u shudnt completely ignore ur emotions either. One would be better off trying to make that decision with both common sense (mind) and emotions (heart)

    that topic reminds me of our friend (WISE HEART) cheers to him! :)

  7. Emotions every time - tempered by a little common sense! ;-)

  8. Common sense is not all that common is what i have noticed in life. Emotion is definitely more powerful.... meaning it is often is the real motivating thing and makes someone act fast or stick by decisions be it good or bad ones. I mean the whole spectrum of emotions: love, fear, hate, pride, lust, etc.

    I try to use both  sense and emotion at the same time.

    What we WANT to do and what we OUGHT to do are often in conflict.. The right decisions are not always easy or clear. This applies to most anything from buying shoes ( i want them but should save$) to making marriage, major choices  or minor social actions.

  9. Emotions are never wrong,Just follow them....

  10. common sense is more powerful but it is deff. harder to use because people put their emotions out front in making decisions.

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