
Which is more successful: EU or NAFTA?

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which of the two regional economic groups is more successful?




  1. Nafta. A big success but not for us.

    NAFTA  means," Now anybody  f$$s  the Americanos. "  Thank you, Bill Clinton.

  2. nafta

  3. The EU, definitely.  NAFTA is but a shadow of the successes in the EU.

  4. EU is far more inclusive and is not just about free trade but also about a common currency and economic principles.

  5. the EU is about dictating, making everyone the same, and fraud, hey sounds like Communism. or the stepford  wives,

  6. The EU. NAFTA didn't go far enough in integrating the economies.  Also, the EU is designed to be more inclusive to the member states --- it's not merely an economic union.

  7. EU obviously because it is already 50 years in the making NAFTA is only 15 to 20 years old and is only a phase of the so called NAU- North American Union!Although the EU is more successful because of the long term process of empire building it there already is cracks forming in the foundation thanks to countries such as France who want to bring back their soveriegnty by ratifying the EU proposals that further push for more central power!

  8. What do you consider successful? NAFTA was a great success for big business and a horrible nightmare for Canada and Canadians. We gave away our natural resources and are currently fighting hard not to lose our water! YES our water is up for trade under the NAFTA agreement. It is considered a commodity. A commodity that the USA wants and needs desperately. Once any provincial government or the federal government strikes a deal to "sell" our water we are screwed. WE currently export 75% of our oil to the USA, hence our incredibly high oil prices in AB. Do you want our water to face the same? What about Canadians needing water. While it appears we are a country which has lots, it is not able to renew itself as fast as it is being used. We will face water shortages just as 34 US states are currently facing.

    As well, where do you think our jobs went to? The went to cheaper labour forces thanks to NAFTA. Successful, for who? Certainly not us, the people of Canada.

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