
Which is more upsetting,when you send a text msg that doesn't get a response, or when the person takes 3 hrs?

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My girlfriend retired and assures me all the time that she's "Only a text message away" if I need her. Problem is either she takes 2-4 hours to respond to my text or doesn't respond at all. Then she wonders why I get so mad at her. I always respond in a timely manner when she sends me a text....maybe I should give her a taste of her own medicine and see how SHE likes to be ignored like that.




  1. Yup! I would give her a taste of her own

    She deserves it though she might be different than you in the feelings arised when it comes to this situation.

    If you give her the same treatment as she's given you, she might not end up caring..maybe flakyness doesn't p**s her off?..

    But it should!

    I'd rather have someone respond 2-4 hours after I sent the text, than not have them respond at all..

    but overall, I'd like for them to respond when they get it, or as soon as they can..because it is very annoying and very irritating!

  2. No response is more irritating by far, because you don't know if they read it or not, or what their opinion is on the matter. 3 hours wait you know it might come, but not responding will keep you on the edge waiting for it longer, and eventually whoever is waiting will get frustrated of waiting


    no response wins out on the annoying-meter.

  3. Wow, I'm glad my friends aren't as hateful and demanding as you are!  Maybe she's not sitting, staring at her phone just in case you decide to text her, and she's out living her life like anyone else?  Grow up, please, before you say the wrong thing and lose a good friend!

    To answer your question, I'd rather wait the three hours and assume, since the person is my friend, that they were in the middle of something and couldn't get back to me right away.  That's what friends do, they understand.

  4. It could be that she's busy doing things.  Even retired people can have a very full and active life.  Just be a little patient.  After all, there's nothing that crushing that demands an instant response.  

  5. i like having text messages responded to. My girlfriend answers them but sometimes doesnt. We have different ways of communicating, sometimes she will look at a message and say 'thats nice, ill reply to that later' but shes busy and forgets, or she just reads it and thinks its nice but doesnt answer. Sometimes people get busy, sometimes theyll read a message and dont think a reply is necessary. its hard because we dont really have a code of courtesy for SMS messages. Try not to read so much into it, i used to but i dont so much any more.  

  6. At least she answers.

    Even if it is the next day, she answers.

    If you yell at her or "give her a dose of her own medicine" you might drive her away.  If that's what you want, go for it.

    If you need to talk to her in real time you should call.

    Text is very much a "read it at your leisure" way of communication.

    It's just like email.  Sometimes I go for a couple of days without checking my email.

    If it isn't life or death, it can wait.

  7. I would rather the person take 3 hours than not to have any response  at all.  You should not mad, maybe she is busy, sick or is not in the mud to answer you right the way.  


  8. Not all providers are the same. I know that many times, text messages are delayed to my phone.

    However, it is unreasonable to expect that text messages be responded to promptly. Is she unemployed? Maybe she has a life that does not allow her to respond quickly.

    If text messages are unacceptable, what is wrong with a phone call?

  9. No response is worse. I will not message them again.

  10. Well, she's probably busy doing something other than staring at her phone.  If you need to speak to her right away, try a phone call.

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