
Which is more valuable, statistics or opinion ?

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What if your child rejects opinion courses and only wants to know statistics (predictability only, no opinion) ?

the children in my friends family only want to learn facts & statistics (science).

they argue if you try to indoctrinate them with opinion.

they say that opinion is up for debate and they don't feel like wasting time learning things that are not fact.

is this something commonly found among children these days ? i find that very interesting for little childrent to say. maybe, they are a lot smarter then my generation !!!





  1. I would say that you have to blend the both together.  Facts as they are knowed have change as someone either finds new information or debunks the information as we perceive it.  Opinions are the basic start of what we are trying to find the answer to.  One more things, is attitude.  What your attitude is like can change any fact to how you might want to see it.  We don't just give the child the apple core , they have to see , feel, taste , touch, smell, and know that with time they can know the truth of some things just by facts but not  all things.

  2. statistics -can see trends, quantitative data - used by positivists mainly who think social behaviour is shaped how societies organised.

    opinion.. hmm can u really record ppl's opinions using statistics? i mean its only a  partial insight in to the ttrue picture dont you think?? it would be better if you carried out some unstructured intervews or ethnographic research in order to get valid data

    valid data - unstructured interviews/structured interviews/observation

    however cant obtain same results if another researcher does this.. (sorry im going on, im kinda revising for socio :P)

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