
Which is most affected city with flies summer time?

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Am planning to go Melbourne or Sydney, but want to know which is more affected or less affected?




  1. Auburn is correct. The flies in Melbourne are terrible. You see people walking along the street and their back can be black with the little beggars.

    In Sydney they're not too bad unless you're trying to have a picnic and Brisbane has none.

  2. Dont know where in Victoria the other person lives but I live an hour and a half from Melbourne and over summer the flies wait till you walk outside and then they try to pick you up and carry you away.  Maybe all the flies have just migrated to where I live, but we certainly have our share.  I also live right on the coast

    | was on holiday in Qld  over summer and some people there commented on going back to victoria and how it was nice to get to qld and get away from the flies.  Honestly don't know if Sydney has as many but I know Qld does not.

  3. As far as I'm aware, neither have a great problem with flies.

    Sydney on the whole tends to be warmer than Melbourne so theoretically it should have more flies - but really, in this eastern part of the country, particularly on the coast, flies are no big issue! They are much, much worse in central Australia - say, Alice Springs.

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