
Which is my race? there are 4 <span title="caucasian,black,asian,australian">caucasian,black,asian,aus...</span> aborigine?

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look my pic when I was a baby you can see it better in my 360º I'm not mixed

am I? Caucasian

am I? black

am I? asian

am I? aborigine

I am just bored lol ;-)




  1. You&#039;re obviously Irish it take the best bits of every race to create an Irishman

  2. That depends on which haplogroups show.  You may drive your MD nuts when he tries to tailor a treatment to fit some symptom of some future problem.  We&#039;ve recently discovered some haplogroups (DNA indicative of African, Asian, European of Australian Native populations) respond better to some medicines &amp; display differing symptoms when having the same health problem.  Too often an MD will make a decision based upon skin color or the race a person percieves themselves to be... but in this World of multi racial people, he may make a mistake &amp; prescribe the wrong treatment.

    I&#039;m hoping we can develop instant DNA tests so a computer can tailor the best treatment for everyone&#039;s genes, but that is far in the future.  We&#039;ve yet to identify all the genes that predispose a person to different diseases &amp; race has always been a ball park guess as to what genes a person has.

  3. Pictures not really big enough, can&#039;t tell for sure.

  4. race?

    I&#039;d say human.

    but that&#039;s just a guess

  5. That shows that there are no races.  &quot;Race&quot; is a social concept, without any biological reality for humans. In every single physical trait of which I am aware, expression (like skin color, nose form, hair form blood group, alternate hemoglobin, and so forth) varies independently according to the selective forces that act upon each trait.

    The collection of physical traits that supposedly &quot;define&quot; races, turn out to be derived from the European age of exploration. Those &quot;definitions&quot; turn out to be descriptions of the prevailing physical types in each of the areas of Africa, the Americas and Asia first contacted by Europeans. These descriptions stuck, even though it became obvious that they really did not fit &quot;all&quot; Africans, or &quot;all&quot; Native Americans, etc.

    They were, though convenient means to sort people into &quot;them vs us&quot; groups and convenient to base policies of repression. These &quot;racial classifications&quot; do not even stay the same from one country to the next. In Brazil, &quot;race&quot; is based almost solely according to skin color and one&#039;s &quot;race&quot; can change by a day or two more in the sun or out of the sun. (this is based on the experience of Dr. Conrad Kottack at the University of Michigan who has done fieldwork in Brazil).


  6. You are a child of the universe!

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