
Which is sexier blonde or brunette?

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Which is sexier blonde or brunette?




  1. I think it depends on the person. I mean anyone can change their hair color, but it should look natural. Having a dark complexion with dark eyes and dark eyebrows and then really blonde hair does not always look s**y. Anyway, I am blonde so I say blonde.

  2. brunette for sure!!! =]


  3. brunette!!  

  4. ah everyone else is haters

    its blondes fo s****.>

  5. brunette yee =)

  6. its rare to find a hot blond BUT go brunette all the way

  7. I was blond as a child and my hair has gone to a darker Brunette color as i got older,and i deff have to say Brunette.

  8. I think brunettes can be really cute and really hot, but blonds are usually either ugly or hot.

    And when I say cute, i mean like I'm in 8th grade and I think some sixth graders are cute, but aren't really hot because they don't have curves yet.

  9. Brunette dont go wth the typical blond ditzy look....

  10. yeah brunette babayy .  

  11. brunette. duh

  12. how can one judge that?  it's more the woman then the hair that is s**y, and the s**y woman's hair is s**y what ever color it is.  

  13. brunette

    wow...didnt think there were that many brunette lovers, thought most would be blonde

  14. brunette is the best!!!

  15. You know, I have never really found blond to be beautiful. Unless it's unique. Brunette always feel more 'real'.  

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