
Which is the FASTER mode of transportation, PLANE or TRAIN?

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As in speed.





  1. As in speed? Plane, mostly.

    As in door to door time?

    Train can beat plane for short city to city trips.

  2. What do you mean.  Door to door?  Station to station (or airport to airport).  Over water (LOL!).

    The fastest train in daily operation is about as fast as a high performance light piston plane, so even the fastest train is going to have a very hard time beating any but the slowest planes.  Planes can also for the most part take a direct route to the destination while trains have to follow the tracks, which wind around terrain.

    But then there is the whole security/check in/weather delay factor that erodes airline advantages; especially for short distances.  After all, nobody plants a bomb on a train right?

  3. Plane.

    The only way a train would go faster than a plane is if it was dropped from space.

  4. FOOL!!!

    a plane

  5. As in speed, airplanes would be the winner. Though the fastest train can beat the slowest airplane.

  6. Well

    You have to be at the airport at least two hours ahead of time to fly.

    Your flight may get delayed. In those cases a train.

    On a normal perfect day, your best bet is to take a plane.

  7. world-record rail speed of 361 mph. Any plane faster.

  8. You mean like a bullet rain versus a Cessna 152? A regular train versus a 767 across the U.S.?

    Sorry, I can't say anything further for fear of upsetting someone in the aircraft section.

  9. A flying train?

  10. the distance to be covered is a big factor, and the time spent waiting in line to board. for short runs, the train is the faster way to go, but as the distance gets longer the airplane becomes more efficient.

  11. well in the air a plane would be faster

    but if the plane was taking the highway :)

    then I would say a train!

    (the wings are kind of hard to get under a bridges)

    [got have a laugh now and then]

  12. Plane.

  13. There are some high-speed trains that move faster than some airplanes, such as TGV, Eurostar, and ICE trains in Europe.  At about 200 mph, these trains exceed the maximum speed of many small airplanes.

    Overall, airplanes tend to be faster, often much faster. If you are thinking in terms of the total time required to get from one place to another, however, then high-speed trains may even beat jet airliners.  For distances of up to 1000 km or so, high-speed trains are usually faster, because they move from city center to city center and involve a minimum of hassle and delay.  Most commercial airline flights between large cities today require at least 4-5 hours, no matter how short the time in the air actually is, because of the commute to and from the airport, advance check-in and security requirements, delays, and so on.

  14. Now that depends on how far one is traveling, the shorter the trip, the faster a train would be.


  15. depends on the plane and the train.

    Some aircraft only travel as fast as a car, while some trains travel as fast as a jet (Maglev trains.)

    So if your referring to commerical air travel vs commerical rail service, the speed of the aircraft will be much faster than rail, however due to security concerns, weather delays, and ground holds, from point A to Point B on close routes can be accomplished faster on rail then by plane.

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