
Which is the Independent Variable and which is the Dependent?

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I have this math question that is very confusing. I am doing a project on the olympics of 2000. I have to find out and graph the relationship between between a country's ranking and how many medals they have. I think that the independent variable is the medal count and that the dependent variable is the country ranking. But the thing is when I go to graph it and put the independent variable on the bottom on the bottom and the dependent variable on the side the points show a decrease which does not seem to be right. This is because the point that looks the highest is actually the country with the least amount of medals and the worst ranking. PLEASE HELP. THIS IS A PROJECT.




  1. Label your y axis bottom to top instead from top to bottom..

  2. Well, i think that the country's ranking is on the x axis...P.s. You will get a graph with negative slope, isn't that obvious?

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