
Which is the Latin American country you liked best ,as a tourist ??

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Which is the Latin American country you liked best ,as a tourist ??




  1. i think the best are Brazil, Argentina and Chile.

    In Brazil you can find the best beaches and nice people. Incredible cities.

    Argentina and Chile have lots of places to go. Mountains, glaciers, deserts, tropical mountains. Costs (whit an incredible fauna)

    when i was there (I'm Italian) there were lots of Americans.

    the other countries are a Little more dangerous.

  2. PERU, PERU, PERU, PERU , PERU!!!!!!

  3. Definetly brasil, even though i wasn't really a tourist because my mom is from there. But it is stilll such an amazing place, the culture, food, people and geography are all so beautiful. The people are just so naturaley beautiful, so i would def go there:)


  5. Visit El Salvador. El Salvador is the 2nd richest country in Central America.

  6. Every country has different attractions, depends what are you looking for to do, although Colombia can be one of your better choices

  7. El Salvador

    people dont know what they are talking about mexico is not in cental america you wanna be smart @ss!

  8. PUERTO RICO! im not saying this because im from there but the sites are amazing and their food is out of this world i love EL YUNQUE its a beautiful tourist attraction and very relaxing also the coquis churp every night and it so will fall to a      sleep...san juan is also famous for its history and its a fun place to visit...and theres so many awesome stores to shop at...i loved it and i missed it ...i would love to go back =]

  9. Mexico, hands down! That's where everyone goes for a vacation! Beautiful white sand, warm waters all year long! You can sit and drink right on the beach! It is awsome! There are many beaches to choose from too! If you haven't been you need to go. You can choose to have a wild time at the clubs by the beach or just relax and enjoy the peace and beauty!

    Alvin- check your facts before you say that El Salvador is the 2nd richest country in Central America!

    Richest Countries in Central America

    Rank Country GDP - per capita

    1 Costa Rica $ 12,000

    2 Mexico $ 10,600

    3 Belize $ 8,400

    4 Panama $ 7,900

    5 El Salvador $ 4,900

    6 Guatemala $ 4,900

    7 Nicaragua $ 3,000

    8 Honduras $ 3,000

    Source: CIA World Factbook

  10. Costa Rica...the animals, the scenery, the volcanoes, the beaches, the people.  An amazing place, lots of different places to visit all within a few hours of each place.

  11. ovbiously Colombia..because I was born's a really wonderful country to visit. Colombia has the second most wonderful beach in the world(parque tayrona in santa marta). The nature is great, wonderful people, modern cities!! delicious food! nice people welcoming everyone!!...

    Besides my wonderful country, I would choose BRAZIL..ohhh someday....someday....Brazil :D

  12. Mexico is the best country to visit.  Is big and you can find every weather and all kind of places for all budgets.  If you like the beach and fancy nightclubs go to Cancun.  But if yo prefer different kind tourism, go to chiapas or oaxaca, the must beautiful beaches all over (and they are very popular among European tourist) Puerto Escondido is great for surf.  If you love history and ancient cities go to Guanajuato it's amazing!!!  I really recommend Mexico.  By the way, Mexico is part of North America, not south or central america.

  13. So far, Argentina.

    But I have seen many pictures of Brasil and it looks amazing! Lots of beautiful beaches!!

  14. Colombia. It is still virgin territory - away from millions of tourists. Head to Cuidad Perdida!

  15. Personally I liked Nicaragua the best. Prices were cheap, very interesting landscape, and the people are very nice and helpful. The downfalls are it is a very poor country (2nd poorest in the Western Hemisphere) electricity is in very short supply therefore frequent power outages (every day 3-4 hours per day) and the roads are terrible but improving.

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