
Which is the No. 1 corrupt corporation in the USA?

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The two that come to mind is ExxonMobil and TimeWarner. Who would you pick?




  1. Why are they corrupt, because they make more money than your broke ***? Corrupt companies go bankrupt eventually, like Enron.

  2. I would say the Democrat Party.

  3. Al Gore's Carbon Credit company

  4. the pharmaceutical companies as a whole, they are the biggest lobbyists, and own the most politicians

  5. The pharmaceuticals are strangling the nation with their corrupt lawyers and lobbyists making drugs expensive and stopping any natural medicine.   Exxon is Mother Theresa compared to big pharma .

          In the U.S. Oil is $145 a barrel , gas is $4.00.a gallon.

          In Holland , Oil is $145 a barrel and gas is $8.50 a gallon .


  6. Exxon mobil and all the major oil companies are guilty of price manipulation.  Along with fuel suppliers.  

  7. Haliburton and Enron

  8. Planned Parenthood, ACLU

  9. DNC.

  10. Yahoo

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