
Which is the best Australian city to live in ,and best university?

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what about queensland




  1. Macquarie Uni Sydney

  2. Wollongong.It is next to the beach and it has been voted as Australia Top Uni for more years than I can remember.

    Has alot of Americian ,English and Canadian students.I think its all about the night life and the Beach.

    When do these people ever study????

  3. Perth :)

    It has ECU, UWA, CURTIN, MURDOCH and Notre Dame.

  4. Canberra:  there's no polution; no traffic jams; big student population; cost of living is reasonable.  The downside is that its two hours from the beach.

    Australian National University (ANU) has an excellent reputation.

  5. If you were to consider Western Australia, def go to UWA, it is by far the one that's best recognised....and most highly regarded.

  6. SYDNEY !


  7. The Universities depend on what you whish to study. I say anywhere in Aus is great if that is what you wish to do.

  8. Melbourne is the best city to live in. I think it was actually proven. Sydney is nice too.

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