
Which is the best Canadian disscussion forum ?

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Which is the best Canadian disscussion forum where I can find people above 30's?






  2. Well I"m not sure about other chat groups and Usenet and the like, but Yahoo! does seem to have a big mix of people asking and answering questions.

    I'm over 30 and enjoy hearing people from around the world express their opinions and ask questions about Canada, so I tend to frequent this group quite a bit. I like to answer because I like to help people, which is probably why I work at a customer service desk (no not for Yahoo...)

    However, in every group except perhaps a pay website, you will get a mixed bag of questions and answers. Be prepared to get happy messages, helpful messages, flames, and downright mean stuff. Even the people answering the questions may get on each other's nerves at times.

    I recommend that you just ask your question, give thanks for the answers that show thought and respect for another, and ignore or thumbs down the ones that wasted your time.

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