
Which is the best Dan Brown book?

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Which of the following is the best book by the author Dan Brown:

Angels and Demons

The Da Vinci Code

Deception Point

Digital Fortress.

All of them have the same writing technique but in my view one of them is, incredibly, a cut above the rest.




  1. DIE, the best Dan Brown book is the one he wrote when he was 4. Books are so awful.

    BUt Angels and Daemons is least worst.

  2. I believe Deception Point is his best.

  3. Angels and Demons.  It was amazing, I loved it!  The rest are good but rather dull compared to it.

  4. Da Vinci I would say. To be honest with you hey are all the same, but " Da Vinci..." is very intruiguing, as it touches the subjects of tabu which is obviously catholic church

  5. DVC

  6. Hm. I have never read Digital Fortress. I will have to check it out. But of the other (3), I very much preferred the Da Vinci Code. The other (2) left me feeling a bit diappointed.

  7. I've only read Angels and Demons but it's really good. I actually made my own ambigrams!

  8. i think that angels and demons is the best one. But if you analize all his books, they are all just the same thing. At the begining someone important dies, this person left clues and the main character have to discover it.

  9. i haven't read deception point.

    Digital fortress was an excellent read, but it touched on something personal for me, because i was working on exactly the same type of equation at the time he wrote it. (never say anything)

    i thought the da Vince code was ok, but i thought it was odd that he had to respond to plagiarism accusations with this book, when it seemed to me that angels & demons was far more plagiarized (from R.A. Wilson and Bob Shea's tongue in cheek "The Illuminati Trilogy")

    in short, i liked digital fortress the best.

  10. Da Vinci Code

  11. Angels and Demon is more interesting to me than Da Vinci Code. Deception Point is intriguing.  

  12. To me is Angels and Demons, because it is connected with the Da Vinci Code! a lot!....  

  13. I heard that Deception Point was really good.  I've had the Da Vinci Code on my shelf for ages and still haven't got around to reading it.

  14. Angels and Demons followed by The Da Vinci Code for me

  15. the da vinci code was unquestionably awesome but my favorite is still deception point.

  16. My favorite of his is Angels & Demons.  

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