
Which is the best U.S armed forces to go to ?

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Which is the best U.S armed forces to go to ?




  1. Catering corp  

  2. That all depends on what you want to do.  Personally the Air Force was the only branch I considered.   The navy appears to be pretty good too, but the living conditions are as good as the Air Force.  

  3. The army is probably the least desireable.  You will definitly be going to Ieaq if you go army.  The conditions will be primitive, and the management will seem asinine at times.  Officers stay back and the enlisted fight and die.

    In the navy you will get a better education.  You will be challenged, but you will be fed well and sleep in a bed every night.  The managment will still seem asinine, but for different reasons - the army is asinine for the sake of being asinine.  The navy is asinine, because certain things must be stressed aboard a ship to maintain order and safety.  Officers and enlisted fight together.

    The marines will challenge you and give you a sense of pride and honor which can not be had anywhere else.  The management will be asinine, but you will revel in it, because you are a marine, and can take it.  Officers lead enlisted into combat.

    The Air force is the closest thing to a 9-5 job.  You will get a good education, and the management is only as asinine as is necessary.  People cannot be forced to maintain aircraft well, so the air force is more personnel oriented.  Enlisted stay back while officers go and fight and die.

  4. Navy, you will see the world!  ret Navy here and ive been to 13 countries.  Could never have afforded that as a civilian.


  6. War is bad. Join greenpeace. =)

  7. NONE...if you're going to IRAQ as soon as you finish basic training.  DONT DO IT.

  8. catering ..

    job is easy and you will never go hungry and you are always safe behind the battlefield.

  9. ummm the navy r****d

  10. United States Air Force, from my experience, friends we have made, in the Air  Force and in other branch's of the US Armed Forces, it seems as though the Air Force has more to offer, and can be more family oriented.

  11. There is only one "US armed forces."  The one in the US.

  12. navy or marines

  13. it depends on what you like to do research the branches and then decide

    make a good decision because after the training i think in all they expect for you to stay in for 4 years the least i think don't know that much

  14. one fight one team

  15. Peace Corps!

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