
Which is the best UK bank for muslims ?

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Which is the best UK bank for muslims ?




  1. Lloyds TSB have special facilities to meet the religious needs of the Muslim community

  2. You want the best bank to look after your financial needs only for the best reason.Your Money.

  3. any bank why would any 1 be best for muslims?

  4. Sperm Bank

  5. just because your a muslim that doesnt mean you cannot use any bank as long as you have money you can go to any bank in the uk .

  6. In Leicester recently and saw the ''International bank of Pakistan'' or some-other named bank along the same lines.

    What a load of c**p.

    If you simply want to be done over in your native language then I guess I understand.

    But any bank can do that.

  7. You may be interested to know that the City of London developed Sharia compliant lending schemes and then trained bankers in muslim countries to set them up and operate them.  So I think you will find more knowledge of muslim banking in the UK than anywhere else.

  8. I'm lost. Aren't they all the same? I don't think that any bank gives higher or lower interest rates for muslims. If they did I'm sure they would be done for racism pretty quick.

  9. All bar a few above need to get off their reactionary high-horses and learn about usury in relation to Islam.

    See, it wasn't such a stupid question was it?

    Now ask yourself why you put up with such gross profiteering.

  10. Several banks offer these products now. However, you need to carefully compare each of the Sharia-compliant products with each other AND the "regular" equivalent product to make sure not too much of a premium is being charged. The FSA will have registers of who is offering products.

  11. Bak of baghdad!

  12. ?

  13. do you mean so you can get one of those mortgages\loans desgined for muslims so you don't borrow money at interest?

    Don't HSBC offer that service now?

  14. Why would you want to have a bank based on religion? I would think that service was the most important.

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