In regards to Chemistry, what could be considered the average IQ needed to successfully complete the course with a passing grade of a B or higher; which range, Normal, High Normal, Superior, or Very Superior? I know all could pass, and the intelligence level would probably just affect the amount time needed to be spent studying, but, in psychological sense -- statistically?
Also, I wanted to know what particular intelligence is manipulated when one is studying CHEMISTRY in the General CHEM I & II aspect. I.e. Verbal Comprehension, Perceptual Organization, Working Memory, Processing Speed, as measured by WAIS, which would be the most beneficial if one could choose which of those four they wanted to be highest JUST FOR chemistry?
My guess would be that Chemistry ( I think Chem is mostly spatial -- Block Design, Matrix Reasoning, Picture Completion and Digit-Symbol Coding, I believe, are the most commonly administered sub-tests and most relevant to chemistry) mainly relies on perceptual organization. Thus, accurate measurements on the Wechsler scales, in particular the WAIS-III POI, would be the best indicator as to how one would perform in courses such as Calculus and Chemistry, if the person applied him/herself by way of the standard studious activities often assumed to accompany successful students.
However, I believe the importance of WMI falls not too far behind in doing well, not only in Chemistry, but in every discipline that requires critical application of various intelligences -- in respect to the latter, am I correct? Again, the IQ needed to do well in Chemistry?