
Which is the best business to start in trivandrum?

by Guest34267  |  earlier

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Which is the best business to start in trivandrum?




  1. A resort as a front and a Veshyalayam as the real business

  2. I presume that u belong to TVM. right? that means some near/distant relative must be with the State Govt. office.

    Now comes the business point. The socially conscious government doles out freebies and subsidised supplies very regularly. In essence the government is one of the big buyers. Start liaising for some big supplier to the Kerala Government. No investment, only peoplemanship. Seek, develope & maintain working relationship with the right people.

    Alternatively, if you have good contacts with Govt. as well as media, you could think of Lobbying also for various stakeholders. Lobbying is not a legal profession in India, but already exists in the name of "Public relation". Think, decide, go ahead! best of luck!

  3. You might have a better answer is you mentioned what is your potential (how much you are planning to invest)and background.

    Generally,i would suggest Real estate,financing and leasing.

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