
Which is the best colour cat for it to be healthy

by Guest61422  |  earlier

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Mine is a tabby neutered female. I would think tabby is the basic wild cat colour. If a cat has been breed for interesting colours then maybe the inbreeding has caused it to be less healthy as well. Also having a basic colour cat means little chance of it being stolen.

This is my cat, what do you think of her?




  1. Thats a beautiful cat. Mine is a very unusual tortoiseshell colour and she has the most wonderful temperament. Some nasty person shot her with a pellet gun last week. :-(

  2. color does not determine health.

    if you are worried about someone stealing your cat, you may want to lock your doors and install a security system.  who knows what else someone is going to steal if they break into your house to steal your cat.

  3. The only colour cats can be which can determine their health is white. White cats are much more likely to suffer from deafness, oddly enough.

    I don't think that inbreeding would have any major effects on the health of cats anyway, as cats which have been bred for their pedigree tend to be VERY well taken care of.

    Where on earth do you live for you to be scared that your cat is going to be stolen? I would be more worried about your cat getting lost etc. Make sure she has a collar with your telephone number on it in case that happens, but otherwise I wouldn't stress about it too much.

    Your cat is very cute and looks very happy and well looked after. Haha, funny song.  

  4. not seen any evidence that cat colour affects health.  Your cat look like fun!

  5. :( I can't see the picture, because I have an annoying thing that blocks certain sites.

    But there's more chance of it running away, or being hit. Than it being stolen anyway.

    All tabbies are cute, so I know yours will be cute too.


  6. id tap that!

  7. I would say a good old mixed breed cat is the best bet for good health.

    Interbreeding does cause health problems, but people want a specific look or attribute so you take the good with the bad.

    Avoid white cats as they are prone to deafness and can also get sunburn! Plus if they get dirty it will be more obvious! Black cats aren't so bad but can suffer if they are in a hot climate. My black cat Milly always aims for the shade!

    A good old tabby or spotty/random coloured cat are best. Also consider the cats temperment and mother when you first pick one. These are good indicator of how the cat will turn out.

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