
Which is the best country among canada, new zealand & australia?

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out of the 3 country i mentioned above, which has the most beautiful scenery, cleanest environment, highest quality-of-life & lowest criminal rates?? pls help me out.. i'm going to emigrate soon..




  1. canada.

  2. Actually it can be either New Zealand or Canada. Yet New Zealand has a (slight)higher standard of living than Canada. Both countries have excellent scenery and have awareness on environment.Canada has the lowest criminal rate in the world.

    Australia is good, however due to a hole in the ozone people there are prone to skin diseases.Recently there have been many issues on Australia(murders etc).

    I personally would suggest Canada.

  3. Every country has its beautiful and not so beautiful side. Canada it snows... but that itself can be gorgeous. Australia has big bugs.. no thank you lol.. new zealand is beautiful as well. Sorry I guess I'm not much help!

    I wish you all the best w/ur immigration. You might wanna find out which country is the easiest to immigrate to before making your decision.

  4. I cannot answer this question fully, as I've only lived in New Zealand. But what I can say, I've heard that Australia's too hot, Canada's too cold in winter, and both have considerable crime rates. NZ improves on both the temperature and the crime rates, but it depends on what area you're living in. For example (in Auckland), West Auckland is more dangerous and poor than, say, Remuera.

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