
Which is the best institute in New Zealand for "Dairy farming"..?

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I have been searching for the institute who is offering "Dairy Farming" course in New Zealand and could u please get me collective information and guidance to join for above mentioned course for international student.(Fees,Accomadation and Food)Is there anyone still studying in this course..? and what about study hours in a day and what about break times..! Is there any chance to work my free time (as per NZ students rule,weekly 20hours) If yes, can we work in the same farm where we are about to take training or some where outside and some other work..? Because usually dairy farms very far from city..!So hopefully waiting for kind viewers answer.Thanks in advance




  1. There are three places you could try.Lincoln university in Christchurch.Massey University in Palmerston North,and the Southern Institute of Technology.If you Google in what you require you should get some addresses. Good Luck!

  2. You should try DairyNZ, they train you on the farm, while paying you...I think. Great organisation anyway...

    check out


  3. The place that comes to mind is Lincoln University near Christchurch. This is an agricultural based university.

    Its only about 20 minutes drive from the centre of Christchurch.

  4. Try asking some farming industry organisations in New Zealand by google searching

    I found one

    Also try emailing the dairy farming company Fonterra, they may be able to help.

    Farmers and other people in the industry are the best ones to ask.

  5. Another institution which offers agriculture courses is Telford Rural Polytechnic, just outside Balclutha in the South Island.  Both Lincoln University and Telford have excellent reputations and attract a lot of students from overseas.

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