
Which is the best laptop in 25000-32000 in market today and are celeron processors ok is 512 mb ram enough?

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  1. Dell Inspiron

  2. Dell or HP

  3. I can assume you mean 2,500.00 and not 25,000.00.

    If it is 2,500 the Lenovo X300 is a solid light weight machine

  4. Lenova


  5. Will answer the question in parts:

    1. If you are using it for multimedia and as a home laptop I would recommend minimum of 1 GB of RAM.If you plan to install MS Office 2007 or applications like Photoshop, min 2GB is recommended.

    2. Celeron processors will not perform well if you use Vista (except for Vista Basic). Try Core 2 or Centrino Duo. Celerons are  good if you want to just use the internet and other simple or old applications. New apps will work but they might be slow and response times long.

    3. Dell, HP are customizable and can help fit in ones budget. You can look at other brands also.

    4. Since you have not mentioned the currency cannot comment much, but if it is INR (Indian Rupees) you can get decent laptops from both HP and Dell. Other manufactures like Zenith and other local brands are also not bad.

  6. If you just want 512mb of system memory you would be over paying for the price range you listing, as being 2500-3200. For that price range you would be looking a 4gb of system memory and probably a 350gb and up hard drive.

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