
Which is the best method to commit sucide so that it looks as a natural death

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Which is the best method to commit sucide so that it looks as a natural death




  1.   Beat the odds and Live

  2. u see all these strangers telling u don't do it they care and they don't kno ur freaking name why would u do somthing like that there is  always somthing to live for i mean people love friendship even places pets everything people care and u don't even kno it make a difference and live

  3. yeah i gotta agree drown,if you are sure you want to do it goodluck and goodbye,maybe see ya on the other side

  4. dont

  5. yeh i would say drown..... but dont do it =(

  6. eh yeah i'd prob say drown don't ....seriously!!! =]

  7. Don't hurt yourself.!!!!! There has got to be someone for you to talk to about the way you are feeling. Life is a precious thing and I'm sure you have people that care about you that would be devestated if something were to happen to you.

  8. drown

  9. dont do it.

  10. You must be awfully depressed. I have been depressed before . Most of us have but we have to keep on going because most of the time it does get better. I hope you reconsider and don't do anything to take your own life.

  11. Planning a little murder are we? There is no way to make a suicide or homicide look like a natural death. Autopsy...remember that? All accidental or sudden deaths are required to be autopsied. In other words, you wouldn't get away with it.

    If this is suicide related, it never solves anything, but it will do a tremendous amount of damage to other people who care about you.

    Trying to make it look natural suggests you are hoping the survivors will be able to collect insurance. Some insurance agencies will not pay out a policy if the insured commits suicide. In either case, please reconsider, suicide is selfish, not heroic.

    There are other solutions, like talking to someone and following their advice. Stay alive, suicide means the bad guys win.

  12. i think you should grow up n get a life stop feelin gsorry for yourself,and start thinking about the people who u will leave bhind,,with all the bills they will have to pay cause u desided lifes to  hard,why not at least wait till your on ure own then mayb u will have changed your  mind,when you see how much it cost to bury your  self,,,lol live love b happy,,,peace

  13. Don't do it, please!

  14. DON'T DO IT!!! Every life is worth more than it seems!!!

  15. Why does it have to look natural? I think if you're dead it won't matter... Unless you have a family you care about too much to let them suffer for you... in that case you have a purpose in life and I don't know why you would want to suicide...

    Ok, so I'm no advocate of the 'easy way out,' but I'm on Y!A to answer questions... you could try driving with your cell phone in hand with your pants half offf, and crash into a tree, killing yourself. It would look like you lost control of the wheel while talking on the phone and masturbating. But that would be painful, and for some reason suicide ppl don't wanna die painfully...

    Buy a $500 iPhone. Then drop it into the subway, like an accident. Jump in after it as the subway comes, hopefully no one will be brave enough to try to save you and you will be gone quickly and relatively painlessly.

    But seriously, I don't reccommend it. :[

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