
Which is the best pet?

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Im thinking of getting a dalamation any other pets?




  1. Papilons are good with cats, but malteses are cute and sweet. and poodles are intelligent but not as easy to potty train. I suggest a cat because they don't have to be potty trained, they just go in a litterbox. Hamsters are also nice. They don't need much space and Syrians are easy to tame.

  2. ferret, or horse

  3. I think chihuahuas. I have two chihuahuas.

  4. Do you have children?  If I remember correctly, Dalmatians are not very good with children and are also difficult to train.

  5. it really depends on yor life style and the household

    if yor just single and live alone then i recommend a cat...

    they really dont mind being left alone for long periods of time cuz they sleep so much

    if you have a complete,dad,kids

    then i recommend a dog

    dogs WILL get depressed if you leave them alone for too long and i cant stand to see any animal suffer so i only recommend them if they will have lots of social interaction - if they wont be getting much social interaction then please get 2 dogs so they can keep each other company

    whatever you do, think of what kind of life yor pet will have, then think about yor prefrences

    being a responsible pet owner is making sure your pet is happy and living a stable life

  6. let's's are AWESOME but so are horses(but they are very expensive! but worth it)

  7. chinchillaaaaaa or a uh w8 i just fr got um a ferret

  8. havanese.;... please.

  9. Guinea Pigs!!!!!

  10. gals - giant african land snails

  11. We had a dalamation and he was crazy. If you're going to go that route make sure you know what you are doing and that he was trained from a young age. Ours was just wild, he tore up everything, and he was huge, pure muscle, and acted like he was just a puppy.

    Personally I like the smaller dogs, but they tend to be harder to potty train. We have a a medium sized mixed dog (part collie we think, but not sure) that we got from a shelter and he was very sweet.

    Support your shelter instead of breeders! There are a lot of good animals out there who were abandoned and need a loving home!

    ^You can search by breeds you like too! And age!

    Like the other guy said, take your lifestyle and future plans into consideration. A pet is a responsibility, they are not disposable.

    I personally recommend cats if you like them. Easier to take care of and you can have them in most apartments. Don't declaw them, it's inhumane. Like cutting part of your finger off. The photos online are terrible.

  12. dalmations are not the greatest they are the most likly dog to turn on you and to be mean to children i would recomended fancy mice they are awsome to watch run around! or a chinchilla
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