I purchased an Escort Passport 9500ix, which is the top of the line that Escort made. I have it for 2 weeks but not really happy with the result, never get any warning of being scanned at least twice by local officers (luckily I was at 75mph or less, so), I only received warning of X-band as I pass the big rigs and a few certain places and the built-in gps recognized and filtered them out by itself (nice!!!). During the trip to Monterrey in the Labor holiday, I received 2 real speed trap warnings, other than that NONE in my city. I contacted Escort tech support but they couldn't help so I am going to return the unit. They recommended the Shifter (laser jammer), which is illegal in CA, so I am not looking into that.
Anyone use and have good experience with your radar detector? I am not a speeder or a rag racer, but with my car, I get way over limit and didn't realize that. Thanks in advance!