
Which is the best software to use to study MySQL?

by  |  earlier

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I was using XAMPP for learning PHP, but i didn't understand how to start using it for MySQL. I asked on here, but nobody seemed to know. Just for learning please.

Any suggestions would be very helpful

Thanks in advance.




  1. This would be tricky, as software is generally highly-optimized when it comes to databases, so you'll see a lot of instructions and queries that you'll never be able to sort out.

    Therefore I'd recommend tutorials. See the following:

    1. Basic level:



    2. More advanced level (here you'll start using the databases):

    - (Bulletin Board application... best starter on practical use of MySQL)

    3. Rambo level (this is not exactly a MySQL tutorial, but it will make you more familiar with advanced SQL language elements and how to optimize them): get to use the membership and profile providers from ASP.NET (included samples and toolkits in the .NET Framework from Microsoft).

    Good luck, you're going to be in for a bumpy ride.

  2. Youtube...enter php into the search

  3. You can't beat getting the software and playing with it yourself.

  4. XAMPP has MySQL built into it.  Open up the Control Panel, and make sure that MySQL is started.

    Then browse to http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ and you'll get an easy way to see/add/edit data.  Use that for testing purposes to make sure you're sending the right values.

    And then, how to use MySQL in php, check out the source links down below.  The first is to all of php's MySQL related functions.  The second is the function I use to get the data.

    Look at their example and it show you exactly what steps you need to follow to get data from a db.

    1. Connect to MySQL.

    2. Select the database.

    3. Run a query (in this case, select the data you want)

    3a. Error check if there was an error running the query

    3b. Error check to see if there actually were any results.

    4. Iterate through all the results and do something with each of them.

    5. Get the results out of memory.  Don't worry much about this, it's automatic at the end of the php file.

  5. I learned about MySQL and php scripts by making myself an acct with  uploading websites, forums and shops, you have to create a database etc plus alter scripts... I really did learn so much from it.

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