
Which is the best takle I should do that is best chance that i will get the ball?

by  |  earlier

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I dunno which tackle i shoud do really i need one that is fast and gives me advantage of getting the ball




  1. Strip the ball using a "Bear Swat."

    Or, I used to cause fumbles leading with my face mask aiming for the ball.  Sometimes the face-mask would crush the ball carriers hand making him lose his grip and fumble.  And if it didn't work, at least I would make a good tackle.

  2. if you're big, put your shoulder into his chest at full pace, it'll knock the ball loose. if you're small, its harder so tackle the guy low (waist height) but wrap him up so he's lying parallel to your try line and facing it, you personally won't win the ball, but your team will and you'll be the one credited with the turnover.

  3. Hit him low and hard and put him down fast so he can't get rid of it.  Your teamates can then ruck over and win it.

  4. When you tackle, punch the ball. It can possibly cause a fumble.

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