
Which is the best teen french summer immersion?

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I am looking for a program where i can become fluent in french in 1 month (i already have 4 years of experience w/ the language) Intensive classes are important, but also i want to be in a city where i can go out party, go to concerts, and bars. I am 16 and was wondering if there was a program which allowed me to stay out late, or at least lateish.




  1. OK: go to

    You can go to either Paris (omg, I know) or Nice (omg, I know) for dirt cheap. It's so ironic that you use the words "intensive" because that's what they call a course level.

    I just turned 17 and I'm trying to talk my parents into letting me go to Barcelona (omg, I know) and I have yet to convince them I'm not going to get sold to a Turkish s*x slaver. E-mail me if you find away to get that across.

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