
Which is the best treatment for my ulcer problem??? Allopathy or homeopathy?

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I'm 22 yrs old suffering from ulcer problem(Very advance stage) since 5 yrs.

Initially i tried allopathy for 1 month n it was not effective as well as there was no improvement. After a year i tried homeopathy for 6 months but i had a temporary better relief than allopathy. Finally i decided to stop both the kind of medicines. Then on i started to cure my problem by intaking proper diet but still no avail. So please guide me about the diet to be followed by me as well as the treatment. Reply me apace.




  1. the water cure might help.  But I would try the Australian Bush Flower Essences it is an energy medicine much easier to use than homeopathy and more powerful.  The combination Calm & Clear Essence should be quite helpful containing both Crowea and Paw-paw that are for stomach ulcers.

    Very inexpensive, easy to use (7 drops morning and night and 7 drops of Emergency Essence if there is pain added to water and shake and sip till pain goes away.  

    "Australian Bush Flower Healing" by Ian White

    ISBN-10: 073380 Page 328

    Yahoo email group discussing Australian Bush Flower Essences

  2. Well you need to also change your diet  if you haven't already.

    One thing that was recommended to me in my master herbalist program was drinking a little cayenne pepper mixed in a little vinegar (or warm water if you prefer). Start with 1/8-1/4 tsp 3 times a day and slowly increase to 1 tsp 3 times a day. Cayenne will help cauterize the bleeding. I was able to get rid of my ulcer problem that way (and although it sounds like it would burn bloody murder it really doesn't. Its amazing)

    FRESH squeezed juices are also great.

    Allopathic treatments for ulcers are pretty much limited to treating pain by thickening the mucus lining of the stomach and decreasing the acidity of the stomach. Seems a bit lacking, when you can cure it with herbs and homeopathy.

  3. you don't say how long you tried proper diet, but i have a feeling it wasn't long enough!  i think that a good diet, proper exercise and adequate sleep would be very good for you and your ulcer!

    please read: 'healing with whole foods' by paul pitchford.  i think you will find it helpful.  the following is a short excerpt from his chapter dealing with treating and curing ulcers naturally:

    "Avoid fried foods, poor quality vegetable oils, red meat, coffee, some spices (cinnamon, chili powder, black pepper, mustard), alcohol, salt, vinegar, citrus, plums, and chewing tobacco.  To heal the inflamed lining of the stomach, use soothing mucilaginous foods and preparations: waters, soups, congees, oats, barley, rice, honey water, banana, avocado, tofu, soy milk, goat yoghurt and cheese, spinach, cucumber, cabbage, potato, lettuce, chlorophyll rich products such as cereal grass and micro algae, licorice root tea, slippery elm tea, marshmallow root tea, chamomile tea, flax seed tea, red raspberry leaf tea.  Raw cabbage juice, if taken on an empty stomach immediately after juicing, is more effective for healing ulcers than cooked cabbage.  However, whole raw foods can cause irritations, so the remaing foods in the supporting diet - grains, vegetables and sweet fruits - should be well cooked, soft (even pureed) and easy to digest.  The above remedies can be relied on exclusively during periods of severe inflammation.  A typical selection might include rice-cabbge congee, goat milk, licorice-marshmallow-flax tea, and spirulina.  After a recovery from an acute phase has begun, one or more of the remedies can continue to be emphasized as part of the supporting diet."

    i wouldn't use allopathic medicine if you aren't in acute pain; however, if you do choose to use it again, you should probably give it more time than one month.

    although i myself use homeopathic medicine to treat anxiety (with good results), i've never used it for stomach problems; however, you may want to try Nux Vomica 6C, 30C for indigestion from food or alcohol, and Arsenicum 6C, 30C for burning pain in the stomach due to anxiety or fatigue.  if you are in the United States you can find these remedies in most health food stores; in europe check with a pharmacist or doctor.

    another thing you may want to consider to begin with is aloe vera juice, which helps to heal wounds.  it stimulates immune response and enhances new tissue formation, so that your ulcer can heal.  buy it by the gallon at a health food store and mix it with herbal tea or mild juice.  drink it on an empty stomach at least 3 x daily.  it's very soothing.

    raw cabbage is the traditional all natural treatment for ulcers.  eating it or drinking one 6 oz glass of raw cabbage juice daily for several weeks will supposedly heal an ulcer.  not only does the glutamine (an amino acid) in cabbage repair and regenerate the digestive mucosal cells, but cabbage also maintains a healthy acid-alkaline balance and the sulphur compounds in cabbage deter the heliobacter bacteria that may cause some ulcers.  

    honestly, i think your best bet is building a nourishing diet.  heat high fiber foods to keep your digestive tract clean.  use herbs and plants to heal and nourish (such as spirulina, chloraphyll, aloe juice and licorice root).  eat lots of dark green leafy vegetables (their vit. k will inhibit bleeding and support nutrient absorption).  and avoid the usual foods that cause digestive and other health problems: coffee, alcohol, hot spices, very cold foods, meats, sugar, processed foods.  

    good luck to you, whatever you decide!

  4. i had ulcer. i taken homeopathy medicines. now its ok. Drink lots of water. Don't eat too hot.

  5. Homeopathy does not work, I reccommend you stick to Conventional medicine or see a good naturopath, and if H. Pylori is the cause, then drink Kefir: -

    Kefir will kill the H. Pylori, Kefir is a yoghurt-type probiotic drink. It is made at home, all you need is milk {preferably organic or raw organic} some kefir grains, and a glass kilner jar. See the links below more for information:

    'A 2000 study led by Dr. Chitra N. Wendakoon of the University of Alberta, Edmonton, found that fermented milk products, like yogurt, can kill Helicobacter pylori (the ulcer causing bacteria) but that the beneficial bacteria alone cannot. This means that probiotics in pill form would have no effect on H. pylori but that homemade yogurt and Kefir would.'


    A scientific research paper on this can be found here:

    Consider also supplementing Colloidal Sillver, 3 tablespoons per day.

    I have recently started kefir making, i reccommend you join the Yahoo Kefir Making Group, they are very helpful and may send you the grains, since you cannot buy them anywhere. Some people sell Kefir Grain on ebay for a small fee, compared to what they are worth, and considering they last a lifetime if you use them correctly.

    Kefir should not interact with any drugs you take for H. Pylori.

    Hope this helps

  6. Try Original Limu.  It is the best tasting most complete whole food ever discovered.  It's unique nutrient (it has over 70) is called "fucoidan".  Currently there are 744 independent studies on fucoidan at dating from 1971. There are studies on how fucoidan kills the e pilori bacteria that causes ulcers.  It has incredible nutrients that the body uses to heal itself. It can safely be drunk with allopathy or homeopathy remedies.  The fucoidan helps to balance the immune system.  In fact, fucoidan is similar to the immune factors in breast milk and your body loves it and uses it to heal itself - along with the other 70 nutrients that the human body needs everyday.  I've been drinking it for over 3 years - I'll never be without it.  Good luck.

  7. When you say you tried "allopathy" ... what did you try?

    Most ulcers are caused by a bacteria, Helicobacter pylori, and can be cured by antibiotics.

    If you tried antacids, it's not going to b esuccessful.

  8. The short answer: Homeopathy.

    You didn't mention if during the six months you tried self-help homeopathy, or were under the care of a certified professional homeopath. Like conventional medicine, homeopathy has a level of first-aid and acute care safe for people to use at home. Problems such as yours, however, need the trained eye of a professional homeopath.

    The long answer: Homeopathy successfully treats people with a variety of ulcer problems, since each individual will manifest symptoms unique to him or her. As with all symptoms, ulcer problems are the end result of an inner umbalance. You were so young when you developed problems, my guess is that you were exposed to an inordinate amount of stress as a child. Homeopathy concomitantly treats underlying emotional roadblocks to cure. Think of the symptoms* as warning lights in a car. Because conventional medicine is an "anti-" medicine - making symptoms go away -  it's like cutting the wire to turn out the warning light. Conversely, homeopathy goes with the flow, reading symptoms as markers on a map. The imbalance is corrected, and the warning light safely goes out - available to go on again.

    You probably understand that until you are better, it is important to support your healing with a moderate, ulcer-attentive diet.

    Find a certified homeopath near you. In North America, the directory is

    May you travel into your future as a symptom-free, healthy adult. Please let me know how you do.


    * I've included a link to my article describing symptoms through the eyes of a homeopath:


    This is the cure for ulcer problems.

  10. So, according to your question, in your 17 years of suffering from ulcers, you tried standard medical therapy for 30 days (without mentioning what that entailed) , and then a year later tried homeopathy for 6 months and thought there was a slight improvement.  Doesn't sound like you've really given anything much of a try, or you are really suffering much.

    Peptic Ulcer Disease (PUD) is multifactorial but it is now known that the bacteria Helicobacter pylori is a causative agent in many, if not most cases.   It can usually  be cured by 2 weeks of antibiotics and ant-acid medications.  

    It also has other causes which may be nutritional or emotional.  Proper nutrition and eating habits, and dealing with the emotion problems will often clear up the problem. They often disappear on their own with no active treatment of any sort, which just shows that the body is sometimes very good at dealing with these sorts of things if you just let it.  We really don't know why this happens, but it does, and since medical science doesn't take credit for spontaneous remissions, I don't think AM or prayer should take credit either.

    Also...I am assuming you are talking specifically about PUD, not GERD (acid reflux) which is more of a mechanical/anatomical condition, or gastritis, or esophagitis etc.  Most people mix those up and call them "ulcers" when in fact they are quite different conditions.

    So...which is "better"?  Homeopathy only works by activating the placebo response, and I have already mentioned that PUD may often resolve spontaneously.  Activating the placebo response then may infact trigger this remission.  

    On the other hand, I suspect there is more going on if you have been suffering since the age of 5.

  11. Yes, I think a proper diet is definitely the way to go - and yes, for an extended period of time - 2 to 3 months at least to start to see any improvement.

    In the meantime there are actually lots of natural treatments you can use to help soothe and heal your ulcer - liquorice is probably the best herbal remedy.

    You can also try camomile, calendula, marshmallow root, slippery elm, common mallow and plantain.

    Relaxation remedies (if stress is a possible factor in your illness) will also be beneficial in relaxing your whole body and allowing it energy to heal.

    Acupuncture is also said to be very effective at treating ulcers too.

    Find more info about foods to include and avoid, and herbal remedies to try here: http://www.natural-health-remedies-guide...

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