
Which is the best way to go a spinal block a epidural or just regular pain medication?

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This is my first and only child and im kinda scared on the epidural thing cause they say that you can get sick with spine leaking afterwards and gives you bad headaches and sick for like a month afterwards. The spine block i do not know a whole lot about so info on that would be great. and regular pain medication given during child birth i dont even know if they do it or what that is all about. Ill be honest with ya NATURAL CHILD BIRTH WITH ALL THE PAIN IS NOT AN OPTION!!!! Im way way to big of a wussy to do that sorry. if u can tell me what you did when giving labor or what you have heard about the different procedures, and what you wouldve done differently and things like that. Any information would be great!!




  1. Spinal (saddle) block is not used as much anymore. It not only numbs from the waist down so you don't feel, but it paralyzes from the waist down so you can't move. The paralysis wears off.

    The epidural only affects sensation and not movement so you can change position, help more and recover faster. It can affect the strength of the contractions and the progress of the labor.

    Both of these involve risks of spinal fluid leak, headaches etc.

    Regular pain medication can be given in the IV and they can also give anti-nausea medication that way also. Often intense pain can lead to nausea as well. I had some IV pain medication and it made me sleepy for awhile and slowed the labor progress but then I felt re energized and able to continue.

    All of these meds do have an affect on the labor and on the baby. It depends on how far along you are, how bad your pains are and how that is affecting your ability to cope (blood pressure, baby's heart rate). The physician should explain the options to you and decide with you.

    Good luck and I hope you have a good labor and a healthy baby!

  2. Look until you are in labour there is no point in saying i'm not keen on this medication with my first i got bloody everything from morphine to epidural my second all i got was gas and air and my last {5mths ago } i ended up with nothing everybody is different some people can go without anything some people need everything don't worry you won't get more praise if you go natural whatever it takes to help the pain take it good luck its such a great and emotional experience [mother of 3} xxxxx

  3. You can plan all you want for labor, but you never know what to expect until we're there. I had a baby 3 1/2 months ago. I was induced. After 2 or 3 hours of contractions, my doctor thought it would be best to get an epidural. Honestly, the contractions weren't unbearable, but not fun. The epidural really hurt going in. It was painful for a few weeks afterwards, too. The chances of an adverse reaction, such as headaches, is about 2%. I had no problems like that. It worked like a charm for about 4 hours and then the pains came back. I chose the epidural over the pain medication because I wanted to be in control. Pain meds can make you feel out of it. In the end, I had a c-section and would have needed an epidural anyway. If I had to do it all over again (having a vaginal birth), I would not have an epidural again. I'd go with the pain meds. You may feel differently at the time. But if you need a c-section, an epidural will not be your choice. You'll have one anyway. Good luck!

  4. I would definetly go with the epidural. I had one of those (I was 12) and they make you a little dizzy but at least you can eat without feeling like you have to throw up. They're a lot less of a drag. But in the end it's your decision, but the least painful would be the epidural (and pills make you veryy nauseous most of the time unless you eat)  

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