
Which is the best way to lose weight and get in shape, martial arts or boxing?

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Here is the thing, I'm 80lbs over the average body weight for someone 5'10. I'm a female interested in both boxing and martial arts. I just don't know which one would be better for slimming down and toning up. Also, I believe both would be a good way to learn defense while working out at the same time. So all in all which one would be better? Oh yeah I don't mind the fact that I would gain muscle weight. If you can think of anything else let me know. My diet has been working so far but I want to do more.




  1. This is hard to answer.

    Boxers are traditionally known for their cardio.  It is an absolute must for boxers to have great stamina.  With all that training comes weight loss.  It's virtually inevitable.

    However, martial arts can be a extremely effective way to lose weight too.  Grappling arts are also traditionally known to be one of the best forms of exercise and produce some of the best all around athletes in the world.

    I have written articles on these subjects that explain the benefits of martial arts in greater detail if you would like further information.

    Boxing benefits:


    Excellent form exercise, particularly cardivascular


    Increased mobility and improved footwork

    Increased speed and accuracy

    Stress reduction

    Confidence and discipline

    For example I will use BJJ to show grappling benefits:


    Excellent form of self-defense

    Enhances flexibility and stamina

    Strength conditioning



    Develops self awareness and assertiveness

    Stress reduction and positive attitude

    Here is an excerpt from my article on the benefits of martial arts:

    "Weight Loss.

    The unique approach of martial arts is that the training is goal driven. You are there to learn a new skill. As you progress and become more efficient, you are promoted through (usually) belt ranks. With the advancement of your martial arts talents, you will learn more techniques and methods. Each of them requiring practice, repetition, and implementation. Each of them requiring exercise. Suddenly, you realize you've been sweating and training, but not for sole purpose to sweat and train. You've been exercising to learn!

    There are many different methods, diets, programs, etc., that are designed to encourage, stimulate, or assist in weight loss. It would be out of the context of to provide a full list of all weight loss methods.

    But this site does fully promote that martial arts can be a significant source of exercise for those that are interested in weight loss. Martial arts programs incorporate repetitive drills and training that stimulates the heart rate, increase cardiovascular performance and burns significant amounts of calories.

    "I personally lost over 30 pounds after 6 months of martial arts training. I've seen this same thing happen to so many people that I cannot even begin to keep track. The physical conditioning benefits of martial arts alone are reason enough to start training."

    -Mark, from

    You should be forewarned however. Losing weight, learning self-defense, looking good and feeling great is a very addictive combination. You won't want to quit."

    Read the full article here:  www.

    I hope this helps you out.


  2. boxing is old school and more for men, although not bad choice at all... but your legs are neglected...

    in my opinion try kick boxing, muay thai or my personal favorite for weight loss: savate... why savate and not other types of kickboxing?  because in savate you have to have a lot of stamina. it is a lot more dynamic than other kick boxing styles and it forces you to move a lot... if you do not want to fight in full contact, you can choose light contact version, which means even more "movement" (almost looks like dancing)... also in savate you wear shoes, this means you learn how to fight with your shoes on (it a lot different than without them! ) :)

    difference in styles (random videos)

    K1 (best kickboxers in the world):


    Savate Assault (light contact version)

    judo, ju jitsu, wrestling etc all based on power exercises so you will build a uperbody which usually doesnt look well on women in my opinion...

    for self defence only I would train:

    Krav Maga , Combato , Savate defence,  Modern Arnis, maybe Kempo (if you know a teacher who does MMA when teaching karate) etc...

  3. boxing is a martial art you nitwit just not and asain martial art. Anyway Asian martial arts are probably better, more carteo and stamina and less broune

  4. Have you tried this workout video?

  5. You'll definately loose weight at a good boxing gym.

    You may loose weight in martial arts, but it depends on the school and the style.  For example, don't expect to loose a lot of weight at a Tai Chi school.

    I agree that Muay Thai or some other kick boxing would be the best of both worlds.  You get a full body work out, and the cardio of boxing.

  6. if you are already dieting than train in the martial arts...BUT train for cardio as well.  Boxing will give you the cardio and skill in punching.  It will tone you up however you will never find a boxer who doesnt train just BOXING...they use strrength and cardio exercises on top of the boxing.  Jump rope, calisthenics (forgive the spelling), push ups, crunches- all those oldies but goodies.  A real boxer never leaves those workouts out.  A martial artist in training usually does all of that in class. Why?  because you utilize all the body.  Arms and legs, for kicking and punching...if you get a school that likes to mix it up with a little grappling, then even better- but you're still using all the body.  The extra cardio stuff you would add to it would help in the calorie burning and just the overall aspect of trying to get fit.  If you go through a thorough martial art program and really try to improve in your agility, speed, power and so on...even out of class...then you will be on your way to losing weight anyway.  You will tone up also.  Add that extra cardio for endurance and calorie burning and soon enough you will be looking great and someone no one wants to mess with.  And at 5'10", your kicks could be extremely dangerous.

  7. I would choose martial arts! But note that martial arts will make both your body and your spirit strong. If you insist more on a nice looking body than defense and fighting skills it may be easier if you pick boxing.  

    What Milan forgot to say is that it always depends on your genes and your diet. Whatever you train and as much as you practice if you eat ten cakes a day you won't get slim.

  8. When i was in the martial arts i toned up without losing i had muscle and fat together which makes it hard to get rid of. I would do boxing because you would get more of a cardio workout which burns fat faster than anything for losing weight boxing is great, but the downside is that boxing will tone your upper body more than your lower. try kickboxing, it works both upper and lower body

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