
Which is the best way to train your self to have a average 40K/H speed ?

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I have a rival in cycling and we bet a 100$ on who will gonna win in a 5km sprint and I really want to beat him badly it's going to be this sunday any tips ?




  1. Unless you're a very proficient and extremely fit cyclist you won't be able to sustain that speed for 5km. The best way to train is to get out on the road and do the hard work but if you're doing it on Sunday nothing you can do will improve your fitness in that short space of time. If it were me I would rest for two days so that I could give it 100%. To give yourself the best opportunity drink plenty of fluids before the race, do plenty of stretching exercises and eat something that provides a quick release of energy.

  2. I am with the other respondents.  The key to tearing the legs off your rival are: rest, drafting and riding smart.

    - Don't ride between now and Sunday.  In fact, if you can do nothing other than lounge around for the next couple days, do it.

    - Do your best to draft the whole ride.  By drafting you'll expend roughly 20% less energy.  Don't break out of his draft until the last couple hundred yards.  Be sure not to start the sprint too soon.  You literally don't want to get out of his draft until the last instant.

    - Ride smart by staying down on the drops with your arms bent and your back flat, even when in his draft.  A sound aerodynamic position will do more to preseve your energy than anything else you can do.

    If you want to cheat...  Find someone with asthma and borrow their Albuterol inhaler.  Albuterol opens the airways and acts like a shot of adrenalin.  A couple puffs prior to the match will give you a screaming burst of speed for 5K.

    Hope this helps.

  3. You don't really have much time to train, but to improve on speed, do hill repeats 3X/week.  This will help build strength and speed.  Here is a good article for you:,6610,...

    I'd probably postpone the bet for a least a month and train for it.

    Good luck:)

  4. Being you don't have any time to really prepare for this your best bet is to have a race plan. Let your rival go a head and let your rival lead the way and you sit on their rear wheel and draft. By drafting you will use considerably less energy and you'll have more energy in reserve for a last minute sprint to the finish line. It doesn't matter who leads 99% of the race it is who crosses the finish line first.

  5. Drafting is key. Suck his wheel until the end. Taunt him into pushing too hard while he's in front so he'll blow up at the end.

    Borrow a better, lighter bike from a friend if you can. If not, strip everything you can off your bike: make it as light as possible. Take off locks, lights, fenders, chainguards, everything! Most important: clean the chain completely and oil it well.

    Finally, pump up the tires to the maximum air pressure they can handle (or better still, buy a set of the narrowest, lightest, highest pressure tires you can find for your rims) but make sure you ride it a bit after you do all that to get used to the different handling. You'll probably wind up liking it better anyway since the bike will be so much easier to pedal.

    BTW, "training" for a race on Sunday ain't gonna happen. Ride normally and stay off the bike on Saturday.

  6. With only two days to prepare, training won't make any difference. Suck his back wheel for all you're worth, keep your head down, and conserve as much energy as you can until the final sprint. Don't stand for the sprint (it's very unaerodynamic;) instead, put your head down even further and spin those pedals! When it starts burning, you're pushing almost hard enough! In Olympic sprint racing, the person leading out always has the disadvantage, for the same reason.

    A person can do an all-out sprint for only about 30 seconds. So make your break about 400 yards from the finish line. Don't use too high a gear when you're slingshotting past your buddy; instead, fan an easier gear to accelerate, and then upshift as you squirt by him.

  7. Average? LOL you'd better buy yourself an aero helmet and TT bike then mate.

  8. awesome, i agree with everybody just rest. another good thing to do is caffeine. drink a small coffee or a coke. also put a bit more pressure on your tires.

    and have your air pump at hand you migth need it to slow him down


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