
Which is the better country uk or ireland. i think ireland would ye agree.?

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Which is the better country uk or ireland. i think ireland would ye agree.?




  1. Do you mean to visit?

    It depends on where in the UK (which includes England, Scotland and Wales) and where in Ireland. It also depends on what type of experiences you prefer.

    My personal preference would be Scotland, followed by Ireland, but I've never been to Wales and the only part of England I've visited is London. But then again, do you need to choose? You can start in London and travel to Scotland and Ireland by train/ferry.

  2. I really enjoy England.

    But I have been to England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland.

    Theres a lot to do in each part of the UK.

    Lot's to see and do in all of them.

    They all have there separate appeal.

    I say go to all of them if you possibly can.

  3. I live in England but love Ireland too, hard choice so I'll say both are wonderful.

  4. Ireland has less crime, and is much mor ebeautiful than anything the English have conquered.  The UK is bollocks.

  5. dogsbody get yer facts Right we got nothing to do with the UK and there is a couple of mile of water between us and Ireland is the most brilliant country in the world  so get over it  dogsbody

  6. there all good

  7. I agree with you that Ireland is the better everyway you can think of...the people, the place, the culture, the music, the people again...the UK is fine but the whole monarchy thing is totally outdated and needs to be scraped...

    Just my opinion dont want to offend anyone in particular!

    I am very biased cos i am Irish

  8. Ireland, and yes, I might be biased, but the only thing I like about the UK that I don't like about Ireland is their transport system... decent motorways, underground, decent rail system.

  9. So, everything is alright, now that they have stopped murdering innocent British folks, is it?   ENJOY!

  10. To be honest, I haven't spent a lot of time in the UK, so I can't give a proper answer. But I like Ireland :-) and I've lived in other European countries. Also spent 4 months in the US a number of years ago, not so keen on going back.

  11. Ireland has it all, the scenery, the history and most importantly the craic!

  12. Ireland no comparison!!! ♣♥

  13. i've lived in both the 1st 34 years of my life were spent in london and kent the last 2 years i have lived in ireland donegal i think ireland is the best i would not move back in a million years

  14. well i would say ireland but thats cause i live here, but i been all over the uk and its a lovely place met some great people made some good friends ,had some great times there.i always liked the uk much faster movin than here, so in a way to me they are both the same ......i dont think one is better than the other.

  15. Ireland.....without a doubt

  16. Do you really have to ask?!?>!?>><!?<

    Ireland of course !!

    Up the Irish!

  17. I live in the north of ireland, and at it is part of the UK we get the best and the worst of both. Cost of living is higher in Ireland (In fact the highest in europe although it is the fastest growing economy) UK is not so high

    In the UK we still have a free national health service for all and enjoy a high stahdard of living as a result of good social services.

    I am proud to be irish and to be part of the UK and do not want this to change politically.

    You ask which is best? I would say all of it

  18. irelad i came over jan 2006 & stayed i was only hear for a holiday

  19. Ireland defo!!!

  20. Ireland all the way!!!

  21. Better in what respect?

  22. If the UK is so great why are UK residents moving here in droves. They are the highst proportion of migrants to Ireland each year and that is higher than the eastern europeans.

    Also i much prefer the fact that i can call myself a citizen of my country. You can only call yourself a citizen if you live in a republic. The term british citizen is inaccurate as they live in a monarcy so they are subjects not citizens. that also covers northern ireland, Scotland, wales and all the crown dependancies.

    I would not like to be a subject to anyone, I am free by virtue of the fact that I live in a republic and I can call myself a citizen.

  23. Yes I do agree!! And dogsbody, while you're correcting others get it right - Ireland isn't part of the UK. Ireland (Republic of) is a separate country!!

  24. uk

  25. The UK isn't a country, it's made up of Wales, Scotland and Ireland.

    They all have their appeal, but I love Wales

  26. both for different reasons

  27. yep definitely agree :P

  28. Grow up, Penny.

  29. Come on the Irish!!!!!

  30. d**n straight!

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