
Which is the better option, terraforming (geoenginnering) or maintaining sustainability of the earth??

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Which is the better option, terraforming (geoenginnering) or maintaining sustainability of the earth??




  1. I'd like to see this planet taken care of before we go to (replicate our bad habbits on) another.

  2. IF you mean bioengineering Earth, that idea has some serious drawbacks.  First of all, it's going to be fantastically expensive simply to make any change in the climate.  Secondly, any program will create unexpected side-effects, and we will, therefore, have to create further programs, which will cost more and may need continued correction, possibly leading to a constant expenditure to "correct" the environment and to problems of varying magnitude, some with vast consequences.

  3. "terraforming (geoenginnering)" isn't gonna happen.

    mars is too cold.

    venus is too hot.

    why would anyone think it's better / cheaper / easier to completely make over a planet, than maintain the earth?

    because that allows them to continue to pollute, and let someone else deal with the consequences.

  4. Promoting sustainability. Geoengineering is being seen as a magic solution. Let's bury our problems, we have a long proven history that this works - NOT.

  5. I would think that in this climatic condition we need both, one, to promote the other.

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