
Which is the better place to live .. spain(alicante) or usa(california) and why. Thanks!?

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Which is the better place to live .. spain(alicante) or usa(california) and why. Thanks!?




  1. If California wasn't on a tectonic plate and therefore more dangerous to live there, I'd sooner be in California than here in Spain. However I've been in Spain 17 years, and am too old too get the opportunity to go to the US. If I could I would probably like to be in Arizona, or New Mexico than California.

    Guess I'll just have to stay in Benidorm then!

  2. Well, California is on fire right now.  Is every summer.  Need I say more?

  3. I love Spain, been here 26 years, like other writers Calfornia can be a pretty hairy place to live, fires, quakes etc., BUT I do love the place, if I had the choice of living in the USA it would be Florida, (but away from the swampy bits) or Las Vegas,

    Spain is great, food wonderful, the spanish some of the best folks in the world, wine cheap, life relaxed, you don't feel obliged to nothing or nobody.....just get a job, work to live not live to work...........

  4. Spain, providing that you don't expect too much from the resident Brits ! Personally, I prefer Torrevieja out of season ! But, then I'm biased...............going out there in September !

  5. Spain. Mainly for the lack of wacky Americans

  6. Completely different.I´m Spanish so I have to say Spain.

    Why? Climate,wine,weather,sun,fiesta,museums,... heritage...

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