I need a cheap, serviceable beginners set to play golf. I haven't played in a decade.... will be practicing! The following two sets are on sale at KMart.
The Dunlop: http://www.kmart.com/shc/s/p_10151_10104_080W588152110001P
and the "Fathom": http://www.kmart.com/shc/s/p_10151_10104_9990000049204911P
The Dunlop is technically the better deal, but the comments on the Fathom say it is a good beginners set, and someone recommended it here on yahoo answers for another novice, so I'm considering it.
I checked both sets out in person:
The Fathom driver is bigger than the Dunlop (460cc to 420cc) with a 10.5 loft as opposed to the 10 loft of the Dunlop, but same face size.
The heel-toe putter is *way* better on the Dunlop than the mallet putter on the Fathom.
The Fathom claims to have stainless steel heads, the Dunlop doesn't (although they seem to "feel" more solid somehow) Yet, the fathom costs less to begin with, so which is really better?
Any help is greatly appreciated!!