
Which is the cheapest RECOGNISED motor insurance company in Saudia??

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Which is the cheapest RECOGNISED motor insurance company in Saudia??




  1. Im not sure about prices but I like to stick to companies like Al-Ta'awuniyyah, Medgulf, and Ayak

  2. are you sure you want to go for the cheapest company?

    there are different rates for the companies, the difference is not that big, but the difference in service is.

    the rate of the insurance is one thing, but its reliability is totally different thing (to get them pay back what they promised)

    insurance companies got so many tricks to go out of situation, and you will be under the mercy of police report. usually, the cheap ones gives you trouble in paying back.

    from experience i have so comfortable with Ta'awinyah and my driver had an accident last year. The other party escaped though injured, and the police report had some gaps, and it was not clear who did the accident and why escaped. i thought the insurance will refuse to pay any claims.

    at the end, it was paid so smoothly without any complications .. or delay. They accepted my hand written explanation attached to the police report.

    I was so satisfied with the way they handled the transaction.

    i do the following to avoid higher cost:

    - first, insurance is so important, not to cover the small damages, but the big trouble ones.

    - i.e. i dont want to end up in a lifetime debt or end up without a car

    - in insurance, you can decide to have zero deductables or higher amount.

    zero means in case of accident, you don't pay anything, but your insurance cost is higher.

    i select deductable of SR 1000, so my insurance cost goes so much less. But, in case of accident, i will pay the first SR1000.

    now, i find this option the best. most likely you won't need the insurance at all. so why go for the higher policy? I rather pay it if an accident happened rather than upfront. and in case of a big damage, then the SR1000 is a small cost anyhow.

    There are other ways to reduce the cost:

    - Let's say if the car market value is SR50,000 . you can estimate it as SR 40,000. Only if a total damage happened, then they will pay 40,000. Yes, we get less, but at least something that can get you a car.

    - You can decide, to have it repaired at agent or at normal workshops. This is a big saver. Depending on what type of car (complex or simple to repair), its age, you might decide you don't want the 5 stars agent service. Yes, this option might not give you the perfect solution, but it will be a compromise, and a discount for you.

    So, if you want to save money, go to the best most repliable car insurance, then find ways to save money. If you go to the cheap ones, you might end up paying very high price at the end.

  3. I wouldn't go for the cheapest if I were you.

    I have had excellent experience with Ta'awuniyyah and right now I am waiting for my contract with Jemeel, which came as part of package when I bought my new car, to end so I can re-new.

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