Tokyo? with 45 millions inhabitants, 5000 km2 world's best transportation systems.
Seoul? 23 millions inhab. 650 Km2, tansp. system like japanese
New York 21 million inhab. 11.000km2 a chaotic trans, system in some areas?
or Shanghai? 20 millions, 7.037km2 and a growing trans. system.
Or course you can promote another supercity that you know.
Human interactions in terms of personal contacts, daily use of different technology to stay in contact, transportation as a medium of contact people, and how all of this affect them in terms of prosperity, education, security and happiness. Or whatever issue you want to add.
As you see i showed 3 rich cities and one realtively poor, because interactions are among all kind of persons, without matter they are rich or not.
I need an answer with a technical info preferably.
Answers based on travels and glances are welcome.
Answers with any kind of arguments are welcome.
Thanks in advance