
Which is the correct sentence?

by  |  earlier

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"You and I"


"You and me"

I think I've heard my 4th grade teacher mentioning it was "You and I" but again, I've heard many song lyrics quoting it's "You and me".

Can anyone clear this up? Thanks. :)




  1. The trick is to finish the sentence and see what sounds right:

    You and I went to the park

    There's something going on between you and me.

    It's the context.  In the first sentence I is the subject.

    Another example would be when you're trying to decide between we and us:

    We girls think pink is the best.

    Don't let pink come between us (girls).

    Does that help?

  2. you and I

  3. Either one can be correct. It just depends upon how they are used in a sentence. I was always taught that when I am in doubt, to remove the second person and try to make the sentence work for myself...

    Ex: I want to say that we went to the store together. I don't know if it should be you and I or you and me... so I try the sentence with just myself...

    " I went to the store... " NOT , "Me went to the store..." *Now I know which one to use. Whenever you and a second person are the subject of a sentence it works this way.

    How about , "they can come along with us"... same rules apply... Remove the second person and see which case you would use.

    You wouldn't say, "They can come along with I". You would say, "They can come along with me", so now you would know to use, "They can come along with you and me."

    Some of these sound awkward, because American's tend to get stuck doing the you and I for everthing. Hope this take on things helps!

  4. Both are correct it's just the context that they are used. If "you and ____" is used as the subject of a sentence then use I but if it is not the subject, use me.

  5. you and i is correct though when u write a song u can make several mistakes when some one looks at it but when u actualy hear the lyrics it sounds correct  :)

  6. "You and I" would be used any time the phrase is used as a subject or a predacate (sp?).  e.g.  You and I are going to the store.  "You and me" would be used any time the phrase is used as a direct object, indirect object, or object of the prepositions.  e.g. Susy is coming with you and me to the store.

  7. An easy way to answer this type of grammatical question is to think of the sentence using only "me" or "I". If the sentence you are debating is "You and I/me are going to the park;" think of the sentence before adding the second person.

    "I am going to the park" is the correct way to phrase the singular form of that sentence, so you keep the second-person pronoun (I/me) you chose when you alter the sentence to mention another person.

    "You and I are going to the park" is correct.

    This may sound complicated, but if you understand it you won't have to remember any other confusing grammatical rules for this type of sentence.

    Hope I helped.

  8. the lyrics are correct

    it's like saying it's you

    or it's me

    here's an example for you and i

    You and I will go shopping tomorrow

    you will go shopping tomorrow

    i wil go shopping tomorrow

    you wouldn't say me will go shopping tomorrow. you have to break it down and see if it will make sense

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