
Which is the country that post the most interesting questions?

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Which is the country that post the most interesting questions?




  1. US  coz there questions are the dumbest i've ever seen.

  2. The U.S.

  3. 1. Countries don't post questions.

    2. It is "that posts" (with an "s"), not "that post"; the third person,  singular, Simple Present Tense, in case you don't know why.

    3. Here, the answers are interesting, not the questions.

    4. Don't try to guess what country I am from.  

  4. australia does of course!!!

    LOL :P

  5. The United States of America

  6. England because they have alot of rude c**p to say about americans.. jealousy is FUNNY

  7. U.S.

  8. Wow good question I never noticed anyone from a certain country....this is a question, answer thing for everybody really so IDK.

  9. New Zealand! :)

  10. Japan? Haha, I don't know. I think it just depends on the person. There are smart and stupid people everywhere.

  11. USA!!!!!! YEA BABAAAY!!!!!!!!!!

  12. England

  13. Canada. Definitely Canada. Statistically, canada is more of a multi-cultural society than the U.S., and thus presents different issues that need to be resolved with public assistance.

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